Armée Saoudienne

Mauritanie, Égypte, RASD, Turquie, Libye, Maroc, Iran, Jordanie , Arabie Saoudite , Irak ...
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Aqid (عقيد)
Aqid (عقيد)
Messages : 6581
Inscription : 03 avril 2012, 19:55
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Re: Armée Saoudienne

Message par sadral »

Premier avion Hawk Mk 165 assemblé en Arabie Saoudite

Le 1er avril 2019, le prince héritier saoudien Muhammad bin Salman, vice-Premier ministre et ministre de la Défense du Royaume, a visité la base aérienne du roi Abdulaziz à Dhahran, dans la province de l'Est, lors de la cérémonie de lancement du premier avion d'entraînement BAE Systems Hawk Mk 165 assemblé en Arabie saoudite.

L’armée de l’air saoudienne a commandé en août 2012 à BAE Systems, en vertu d’un contrat d’un montant de 800 millions de dollars, 22 appareils d’entraînement au combat Hawk Mk 165 AJT, entièrement construits sur la chaîne de production de BAE Systems à Warton (Royaume-Uni) et livrés en 2016-2018. En février 2016, l'Arabie saoudite a ensuite conclu un accord avec EAE Systems pour la fourniture de 22 Hawk Mk 165 AJT supplémentaires, qui devraient déjà être assemblés en Arabie saoudite. L’assemblage a lieu dans les installations de réparation d’avions des forces aériennes saoudiennes de la base aérienne du roi Abdulaziz à Dhahran. Vingt-cinq sociétés saoudiennes étaient impliquées dans la sous-traitance. On s’attend à ce que les 22 appareils soient assemblés dans deux ans.

Dans l’armée de l’air saoudienne, des appareils Hawk Mk 165 AJT remplacent les avions d’entraînement au combat Hawk Mk 65 / 65A de la génération précédente reçus dans les années 1980.
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« Une page est tournée ; l'Algérie est d'abord fille de son histoire, qu'elle ait surmonté l'épreuve coloniale et même défié l'éclipse, atteste, s'il en était besoin, de cette volonté inextinguible de vivre sans laquelle les peuples sont menacés parfois de disparition.
L'ornière qui nous a contraints à croupir dans l'existence végétative des asphyxies mortelles nous imposa de nous replier sur nous-mêmes dans l'attente et la préparation d'un réveil et d'un sursaut qui ne pouvaient se faire, hélas ! que dans la souffrance et dans le sang. La France, elle-même, a connu de ces disgrâces et de ces résurrections. » Le président Houari Boumediene.
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
Messages : 7618
Inscription : 26 mars 2012, 19:45

Re: Armée Saoudienne

Message par geronimo »

First satellite images of Saudi nuclear plant show completion

New satellite images show that Saudi Arabia has almost completed the building of its first nuclear reactor, according to a report by Bloomberg written based on the images by Google Earth.

The report, published on Wednesday, noted that the construction of the facility, which is located in the southwest corner of the King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology in Riyadh, is alarming, because the country has not accepted the international rules and frameworks needed to ensure that civilian atomic programs aren't used to build weapons.

"There's a very high probability these images show the country's first nuclear facility," former International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) director Robert Kelley told Bloomberg. "It means that Saudi Arabia has to get its safeguards in order."

Meanwhile, Bloomberg quoted the Saudi energy ministry as saying in a statement that the facility is being built with transparency and is in full compliance with the international agreements.

Saudi Arabia has signed the IAEA's so-called Small Quantities Protocol, but it hasn't adopted the rules and procedures that would allow nuclear inspectors to access potential sites of interest.

This comes as a bipartisan group of American lawmakers have raised concerns about Washington's nuclear dealings with Saudi Arabia.

In a letter drafted to US Energy Secretary Rick Perry on Tuesday, Senators Robert Menendez, the senior Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Republican committee member Marco Rubio questioned the recent approvals for American companies to share nuclear energy information with Saudi Arabia.

The senators specifically pointed to Riyadh's insistence on forgoing Washington's so-called 123 agreement, a set of nonproliferation standards required by Section 123 of the US Atomic Energy Act of 1954.

The 123 agreement, often referred to as Washington's "gold standard" for foreign civil nuclear cooperation, prevents the foreign entity from enriching uranium or reprocessing plutonium made in reactors - two routes to making nuclear weapons.

Negotiations between the US and Saudi Arabia for nuclear cooperation came to a halt under the administration of former President Barack Obama, after Riyadh refused to accept Washington's proposed standards.

In its never ending quest for more money, the administration of President Donald Trump resumed the talks and is reportedly considering a deal that would allow Riyadh to enrich and reprocess uranium and pave the way for American companies to build nuclear reactors in the kingdom.

In February, a report by a congressional committee revealed that the Trump administration was trying to bypass Congress to transfer sensitive nuclear power technology to Saudi Arabia.

Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif at the time decried the US "hypocrisy" over the planned nuclear sale to the Saudi regime.

In March 2018, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said that the kingdom would be quick to develop nuclear weapons if Iran – which Riyadh views as its arch rival in the region – did so.

Iran does not pursue nuclear weapons, and under a 2015 international deal, it has placed its entire nuclear program under enhanced 24/7 monitoring by the United Nations' atomic watchdog, which has repeatedly confirmed the peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear program. ... p%252e2cbs
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Aqid (عقيد)
Aqid (عقيد)
Messages : 6581
Inscription : 03 avril 2012, 19:55
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Re: Armée Saoudienne

Message par sadral »

Apparemment, les Saoudiens ont acquis des TOS-1A
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« Une page est tournée ; l'Algérie est d'abord fille de son histoire, qu'elle ait surmonté l'épreuve coloniale et même défié l'éclipse, atteste, s'il en était besoin, de cette volonté inextinguible de vivre sans laquelle les peuples sont menacés parfois de disparition.
L'ornière qui nous a contraints à croupir dans l'existence végétative des asphyxies mortelles nous imposa de nous replier sur nous-mêmes dans l'attente et la préparation d'un réveil et d'un sursaut qui ne pouvaient se faire, hélas ! que dans la souffrance et dans le sang. La France, elle-même, a connu de ces disgrâces et de ces résurrections. » Le président Houari Boumediene.

Muqaddam (مقدم)
Muqaddam (مقدم)
Messages : 4268
Inscription : 19 septembre 2017, 18:55
Localisation : Alger

Re: Armée Saoudienne

Message par Dragunov »

Oui je suis tombé sur cette info,et faute de source fiable j'attends la confirmation de la partie russe :study:
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Aqid (عقيد)
Aqid (عقيد)
Messages : 6581
Inscription : 03 avril 2012, 19:55
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Re: Armée Saoudienne

Message par sadral »

Y a sputnik qui a repris l'info mais bon ....c'est sputnik :D ... livraison/
« Une page est tournée ; l'Algérie est d'abord fille de son histoire, qu'elle ait surmonté l'épreuve coloniale et même défié l'éclipse, atteste, s'il en était besoin, de cette volonté inextinguible de vivre sans laquelle les peuples sont menacés parfois de disparition.
L'ornière qui nous a contraints à croupir dans l'existence végétative des asphyxies mortelles nous imposa de nous replier sur nous-mêmes dans l'attente et la préparation d'un réveil et d'un sursaut qui ne pouvaient se faire, hélas ! que dans la souffrance et dans le sang. La France, elle-même, a connu de ces disgrâces et de ces résurrections. » Le président Houari Boumediene.

Muqaddam (مقدم)
Muqaddam (مقدم)
Messages : 4268
Inscription : 19 septembre 2017, 18:55
Localisation : Alger

Re: Armée Saoudienne

Message par Dragunov »

Élément de la garde nationale avec FN SCAR mk16
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Muqaddam (مقدم)
Muqaddam (مقدم)
Messages : 4268
Inscription : 19 septembre 2017, 18:55
Localisation : Alger

Re: Armée Saoudienne

Message par Dragunov »

Missiles balistique Dongfeng-3/(DF-3)
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Muqaddam (مقدم)
Muqaddam (مقدم)
Messages : 4268
Inscription : 19 septembre 2017, 18:55
Localisation : Alger

Re: Armée Saoudienne

Message par Dragunov »

تعاون سعودي صيني لتطوير برنامج الصواريخ الباليستية السعودي
تتجه السعودية للتعاون مع الصين بهدف تطوير الصواريخ الباليستية السعودية ,حيث
ذكرت قناة “سي إن إن” بأن “​الاستخبارات الأميركية​ حصلت على معلومات تفيد بأن
السعودية​ تطور برنامجًا للصواريخ البالستية بمساعدة ​الصين​”، مشيرة إلى أن “برنامج ​الصواريخ​ السعودي يهدد الجهود الأميركية للحد من انتشار الصواريخ في ​الشرق الأوسط​”.

ولفتت “سي إن إن” نقلًا عن مصادر ديمقراطية، إلى أن “إدارة الرئيس الأميركي ​دونالد ترامب​ تعمدت إخفاء معلومات الاستخبارات عن ​الكونغرس​”.
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Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Armée Saoudienne

Message par malikos »

Saudi Arabia secretly purchased ballistic missile technology from China: Report
US members of Congress furious to discover sale outside of 'regular US government channels', CNN reports

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman attends meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping in February (AFP/File photo)
By MEE staff
Published date: 5 June 2019 22:34 UTC | Last update: 10 hours 15 min ago
Saudi Arabia has "significantly" expanded its ballistic missile programme through recent purchases from China, CNN reported on Wednesday.

The purchases expanded both its missile infrastructure and technology, the news agency said, citing three unidentified sources with direct knowledge of the matter.

US senators introduce motions to block Trump's arms sales to Saudi Arabia
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Key Congressional Democrats discovered the weapons expansion programme outside of "regular US government channels", CNN reported.

The legislators told the news agency they concluded the Trump administration had knowledge of the weapons deal and deliberately left Congress out of a series of meetings where they would have been briefed on the purchases.

While Saudi Arabia is the US's top arms buyer, it is barred from purchasing ballistic missiles from Washington under a 1987 regulation that prevents the sale of rockets capable of carrying weapons of mass destruction.

The purchases are particularly worrying to a Congress that has been attempting to limit Saudi Arabia's weapons capabilities for months, amid growing concerns over the devastating Saudi-led war in Yemen.

On Wednesday, key US senators from both major parties introduced 22 separate resolutions in an attempt to block arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

The resolutions aim to stop the $8bn sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia, pushed through by the Trump administration without congressional oversight late last month.

The sale was pushed through by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who declared a state of emergency on 24 May, citing tensions with Iran as a means to strip Congress of its authority to halt the sales.

Trump bypassed Congress on Saudi weapons sale. Here's how he did it
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Since the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the hands of Saudi government agents last year, Congress has passed a series of measures to denounce Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in defiance of US President Donald Trump.

Congress also passed a resolution that aimed to end Washington's support for Saudi-led coalition forces in Yemen, but Trump vetoed that measure.

In March, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) released a report that showed an 87 percent increase in arms flows to the Middle East over the past five years.

The defence think-tank’s annual survey showed that Saudi Arabia became the world’s top arms importer between 2014-18, with an increase of 192 percent over the preceding five years ... ina-report

Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Armée Saoudienne

Message par malikos »

Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Armée Saoudienne

Message par malikos »

"outside" US channels means outside the DF-21 C deal, maybe 5 years ago, and with the agreement of the CIA.

This could be the DF-21 D or even the DF-26. The D variant is the famous anti-carrier weapon and the DF-26 has almost double the range and put most of Europe in its range.
Or it could mean that they now mass produce DF-21 Cs.
Or have started to put decoy and multiple entry vehicles on their tips, which would concern Israel.

I would welcome all of that anyway.

Musaïd (مساعد)
Musaïd (مساعد)
Messages : 821
Inscription : 09 février 2019, 18:31

Re: Armée Saoudienne

Message par MansorDim »

"outside of regular US government channels"

This means Saddam's mistake again, Iraqi's WMD rhetoric again, ......

Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Armée Saoudienne

Message par malikos »

MansorDim a écrit :
07 juin 2019, 09:32
"outside of regular US government channels"

This means Saddam's mistake again, Iraqi's WMD rhetoric again, ......
I do think that "ABOU IVANKA" and the "Istanbul Butcher" get along quiet well. I can not imagine one scenario, where their relation breaks down. May I explain:

Indeed the US loose a little control over their "ally".
However their "ally" remains very predictable.
Goal 1: remaining in power
Goal 2: remaining in power
Goal 3: remaining in power
Goal 4: remaining in power
and yes under this angle of view "remaining in power" can also mean becoming more independent. As the sauds trust with US is also limited, they have good relations with China for the carrier system DF-21 /and maybe DF-26. And they have excellent relations with Pakistan, in case "the neighbour" becomes nuclear.

1 + 1 = .......

That is the angle of view, I would put that news in.
And no neither US nor Israel are too concerned about that either, in my view. Maybe a little but not too much.
All three share common interets and are "allies".

Musaïd (مساعد)
Musaïd (مساعد)
Messages : 821
Inscription : 09 février 2019, 18:31

Re: Armée Saoudienne

Message par MansorDim »

malikos a écrit :
07 juin 2019, 10:57

I do think that "ABOU IVANKA" and the "Istanbul Butcher" get along quiet well. I can not imagine one scenario, where their relation breaks down. May I explain:

And no neither US nor Israel are too concerned about that either, in my view. Maybe a little but not too much.

All three share common interets and are "allies".
Please, don't fool yourself and believe that the US and sionists are allies of anybody. Only the Saudis think so, and Saddam did that too.

The US and the sionists have plans to control the entire oil fields in the gulf since the seventies.
Actually these plans became agreements and all what happens now is the embodiment of those plans. From the 1st golf war to the Libyan one.

The CIA know about the Saudi Dongfeng missiles a long time ago, when China was sort of an ally of the US before Tienanmen event.
They also know about the Saudi funding of the Pakistani nuclear bomb and the agreement to get some when needed.

Why do you think just these days the US media talk about it like if it is news?!!!

Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Armée Saoudienne

Message par malikos »

MansorDim a écrit :
07 juin 2019, 15:49

The CIA know about the Saudi Dongfeng missiles a long time ago, when China was sort of an ally of the US before Tienanmen event.
They also know about the Saudi funding of the Pakistani nuclear bomb and the agreement to get some when needed.

Why do you think just these days the US media talk about it like if it is news?!!!
... well, I see it pragmatic. They are allies, since no way in hell they find a better one than "the butcher".
(I talk about the DF-21 deal may be from 2015 or so...not the DF-3 from the 80ties ages ago...)
And to conclude, yes the "news" may be boiled up a little from our friends "from the entity".
Having said that, strategically the Saudis are the best "friends" they can get. Thus they will settle.

However, were are getting too HS...out of subject.

Anyway, you seem to be well informed, enjoy your presence here. Glad to have chatted with you.

Best malikos

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