Armée Kényane

Afrique du Sud , Nigeria , Djibouti, Angola , Érythrée , Kenya , Éthiopie, Ouganda ..
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mig 29/32
Colonel (Djibouti)
Colonel (Djibouti)
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Inscription : 02 avril 2012, 14:59

Re: Armée Kényane

Message par mig 29/32 »

:super: :super: :super:
Des nora B52 et autres , bon visionnage
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Capitaine (AdA-France)
Capitaine (AdA-France)
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Re: Armée Kényane

Message par vonstuck »



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mig 29/32
Colonel (Djibouti)
Colonel (Djibouti)
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Inscription : 02 avril 2012, 14:59

Re: Armée Kényane

Message par mig 29/32 »

Aqid (عقيد)
Aqid (عقيد)
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Re: Armée Kényane

Message par guidher »

Des Air Tractor AT-802 pour le Kenya ?
Le Département d'état américain vient d'approuver une possible vente au Gouvernement kényan pour des avions d'attaque au sol Air Tractor AT-802 avec son armement et sa maintenance associée. Le coût estimé est de 418 millions de dollars. L'Agence américaine a délivré le certificat FMS le 19 janvier 2017.

Le gouvernement du Kenya avait demandé une vente de maximum de douze AT-802L Air Tractor et de deux AT-504 pour la formation. L’armement inclut des pods roquettes, des missiles antichar Hellfire ou des bombes.
Cette possible vente contribuerait à favoriser un partenaire régional fort, chef de file de la sécurité régionale qui entreprend des opérations sensibles contre Al Shabaab, note l'agence américaine.

Ces appareils anti-guérilla compléteraient les vénérables F-5 kenyans, tout en affichant un cout de mise en œuvre contenu.
Le maitre d'oeuvre de ce contrat sera la société américaine L-3 Communications, Division Platform Integration, basée au Texas.

Le Kenya rejoindrait une longue liste d'utilisateurs export de cet appareil, dont les Emirats Arabes Unis, le Yémen ou la Jordanie. ... enya-89041
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Fariq (فريق)
Fariq (فريق)
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Inscription : 27 mars 2012, 22:46
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Re: Armée Kényane

Message par FULCRUM »

Je me demande s'ils vont avoir aussi ces pods de visé?
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Muqaddam (مقدم)
Muqaddam (مقدم)
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Re: Armée Kényane

Message par tahiadidou »

Entretemps, les milices Shabab les ont bien eu en Somalie.
On Friday, Al Shabaab militants launched an attack on a Kenyan military camp, located on the territory of Somalia, near the Kenyan frontier town of Kolbio, the Standard Digital news website reported, citing military sources. As it is known, Kenyan troops are involved in the peacekeeping mission of the African Union in Somalia and their bases are located in the south of the country. As a result of the attack, at least 68 Kenyan soldiers were killed.

The website noted that two platoons, consisting of 72 soldiers, managed to survive, as their commanders ordered to retreat. In total, there were four platoons on the military base, each of which consisted of 36 Kenyan soldiers. According to the anonymous military sources of Standard Digital, at least 70 Al Shabaab militants were also killed during their offensive.

Reportedly, militants started their attack with two bomb-laden vehicles, which were driven by suicide bombers into the barrier leading to the camp. After the explosion ripped through the camp, other Al Shabaab militants on pick-up trucks, equipped with heavy artillery, entered the territory of the camp and opened fire on Kenyan soldiers. Later, the Special Forces arrived at the scene. However, the camp was already burnt.

Kenyan officials initially denied the fact of the capture of the military base and even tried to hide the number of killed soldiers, sending their bodies to a mortuary by military helicopters in order to reduce any contact and information regarding the losses.

Later, photos and a video, showing dozens of killed Kenyan soldiers and military hardware, seized by Al Shabaab, were published online by the militant group.

The situation is reminiscent of the capture of another Kenyan base by Al Shabaab militants, which took place on January 15 last year. As turned out, 173 Kenyan soldiers were killed at that attack; however, the real number of killed military was kept secret during several months.
qqes photos probablement tirees d'une video.
source: ... ed-photos/

Aqid (عقيد)
Aqid (عقيد)
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Inscription : 03 avril 2012, 18:27
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Re: Armée Kényane

Message par guidher »

US congressman calls for Air Tractor sale to Kenya to be investigated
he recently approved sale of 12 Air Tractor-L3 Technologies AT-802L intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) and light attack turboprops to Kenya is in doubt after it emerged that a US congressman is calling for an investigating into potential irregularities with the USD418 million deal.

According to a source familiar with the requirement who asked to not be identified, Kenya requested the AT-802L from Air Tractor and its systems-integration partner (and prime) L3 Technologies on the basis of it being an already in service and combat-proven platform, confusing it with the IOMAX-developed AT-802 and the follow-on Archangel Border Patrol Aircraft (BPA) that have been sold to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and regional allies.

"The Kenyan Air Force selected the AT-802L aircraft due to its supposed 'combat readiness and effectiveness throughout the region', and the Department of State made its justification for the award based on this. As of yesterday, Kenya was completely unaware that L3 was not the company who built the 48 [IOMAX] aircraft [delivered to the UAE]," the source told Jane's on 14 February.

In light of this, Congressman Ted Budd, who represents the North Carolina-based IOMAX, is introducing a motion to stop the sale pending a Government Accountability Office (GAO) audit and oversight investigation into the deal, which also includes two Air Tractor AT-504 trainer turboprops.

A background document for the motion seen by Jane's states : "There are currently 48 [IOMAX] aircraft deployed in the Middle East, specifically in the UAE, Jordan, and Egypt. They are, at this present time, the only contractor with a manned and weaponised BPA airframe approved for export from the United States. One of their key business advantages is the fact that they are able to provide an integrated, weaponised platform suitable for equipping and firing laser-guided munitions from a purpose-built airframe. ... vestigated
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Djoundi (جندي)
Djoundi (جندي)
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Inscription : 24 mars 2017, 11:06

Re: Armée Kényane

Message par chkil0 »

Kenya Army 20th parachute battalion




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Djoundi (جندي)
Djoundi (جندي)
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Inscription : 24 mars 2017, 11:06

Re: Armée Kényane

Message par chkil0 »







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Djoundi (جندي)
Djoundi (جندي)
Messages : 59
Inscription : 24 mars 2017, 11:06

Re: Armée Kényane

Message par chkil0 »

des photo d un AH -1 huey cobra au couleur de l armee de l air kenyane ! aucune trace d un contract de AH cobra pour le kenya



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mig 29/32
Colonel (Djibouti)
Colonel (Djibouti)
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Inscription : 02 avril 2012, 14:59

Re: Armée Kényane

Message par mig 29/32 »

Peut être des cobras ex-israélien :!:
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Arif (عريف)
Arif (عريف)
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Inscription : 20 juillet 2017, 08:19

Re: Armée Kényane

Message par zen »

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Arif (عريف)
Arif (عريف)
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Inscription : 20 juillet 2017, 08:19

Re: Armée Kényane

Message par zen »




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Arif (عريف)
Arif (عريف)
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Inscription : 20 juillet 2017, 08:19

Re: Armée Kényane

Message par zen »


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Arif (عريف)
Arif (عريف)
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Inscription : 20 juillet 2017, 08:19

Re: Armée Kényane

Message par zen »

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