Armée Iranienne

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AAF 2020
Amid (عميد)
Amid (عميد)
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par AAF 2020 »

Iran to Drop $4-bln Claim if Russia Delivers S-300 Missiles: Envoy
Iran will withdraw its $4-billion lawsuit against Russia if it delivers S-300 air-defense systems to the Islamic republic, the Iranian ambassador to Russia said on Wednesday.

Iran sued Russia’s state-run arms corporation Rosoboronexport in the international arbitration court in Geneva last April.

Ambassador Mahmoud-Reza Sajjadi said in an interview with the Russian Izvestia daily that Iran demanded $900 million in compensation over Russia’s failure to deliver the systems, but the court added another $3 billion to the compensation.

Sajjadi said he hoped Tehran and the Russian Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation would resume negotiations to resolve the issue.

Russia has been working hard to persuade Iran to withdraw its claim but Tehran has invariably refused.

The lawsuit was lodged six months after then-president Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree terminating the contract, in line with UN Security Council Resolution 1929, which bans supply to Iran of conventional weapons including missiles and missile systems, tanks, attack helicopters, warplanes and ships.

Tehran has insisted that the S-300 surface-to-air missile systems do not fall under the UN sanctions.

AAF 2020
Amid (عميد)
Amid (عميد)
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Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 16:23
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par AAF 2020 »

L'Iran teste avec succès son missile balistique
L'Iran a testé avec succès son missile modifié "Fateh-110", a annoncé le ministre de la Défense du pays Ahmad Vahidi cité samedi par les médias occidentaux.
Selon le ministre, la portée de ce missile balistique est de 300 km, soit supérieure de 100km à celle de la version précédente.
Capable d'attaquer des cibles en mer, le Fateh-110 est le plus précis des missiles de son genre dans l'arsenal iranien, a poursuivi M.Vahidi.
Les premiers missiles de ce type ont équipé l'armée iranienne en 2002. La troisième génération du Fateh-110 a été testée en 2010. Ahmad Vahidi a alors déclaré qu'ils n'avaient pas d'analogue dans le monde.
Les programmes nucléaire, spatial et balistique iraniens suscitent une vive inquiétude au sein de la communauté internationale, si bien que cette dernière durcit régulièrement des sanctions à l'encontre de Téhéran.
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Fariq (فريق)
Fariq (فريق)
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par anzar »

Quelques données interessantes sur la DAT iranienne, qui a été crée qu'en 2009... :!:

- Téhéran

5 batteries de SA-5 et 5 batteries Hawk (les Iraniens ne déploient généralement que 3 postes de tir par batterie).

4 sites de missiles HQ-2B/Sayyad-1.

- Natanz

4 sites de Skyguard comportant 2 bitubes de 35 mm et un radar

12 sites de canons de 35 mm

25 sites de canons de 23 mm

2 batteries de Hawk (une à 7 km au nord et une à 17 km à l'ouest)

une batterie de HQ-2 (21 km au nord-ouest)

2 sites pouvant contenir des RBS-70 SAM.

- Ispahan

13 sites de SkyGuard équipés de deux bitubes de 35 mm et d'un radar dont 8 inoccupés

6 sites de canons de 35 mm

13 sites de canons de 23 mm.

- Bushehr

1 site de Hawk inoccupé

3 sites de SkyGuard dont un seul est armé de 2 bitubes de 35 mm et d'un radar

13 sites de canons de 35 mm

6 sites de canons de 23 mm

2 sites inoccupés.

- Arak

2 sites de Skyguard dont l'un est inoccupé

7 sites de canons de 35 mm

23 sites de 23 mm

3 positions de radars. ... rt-ent.php
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Fariq (فريق)
Fariq (فريق)
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Inscription : 21 mars 2012, 11:50
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par anzar »

Un MiG-29 iranien (index 9.12B)


Amid (عميد)
Amid (عميد)
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Inscription : 22 mars 2012, 06:48
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par 60b »

Visiblement, ils ont changé de camouflage!!!J'aime pas trop :nono:
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par dil@w »

je viens de tomber sur la vidéo de cette cérémonie, d’après le commentaire du posteur de la vidéo ils ont mis 12ans et 21 000h pour faire l'overhaul complet de ce MiG-29
je pense que cette info est juste et visiblement la personne est iranienne (elle a plein de vidéos au sujet de l'IRIAF)
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Amid (عميد)
Amid (عميد)
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Inscription : 22 mars 2012, 06:48
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par 60b »

21000 heures :affraid:
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Fariq (فريق)
Fariq (فريق)
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Inscription : 21 mars 2012, 11:50
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par anzar »


Fencers iraniens

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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par dil@w »

L'Iran devoile un nouveau missile ainsi qu'un nouveau site SAM

Move looks like latest reply to threats of Israeli attack.
Weapons experts believe Iran exaggerates capabilities
Iran unveiled on Tuesday what it said was an upgraded short-range missile and said it would build a new air defence site, in what appeared to be an attempt to show its readiness against any Israeli attack.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Defence Minister Ahmad Vahidi attended a ceremony at which officials unveiled the fourth-generation Fateh 110 short-range missile, with a range of about 300 km (180 miles), and other upgraded hardware.

Ahmadinejad said Iran's military upgrades were purely for defensive purposes and should not be taken as a threat, but said they would dissuade world powers from imposing their will on Iran.

"Defensive advances are meant to defend human integrity, and are not meant to be offensive moves toward others," Ahmadinejad said, according to Mehr news agency.

"I have no doubt that our defensive capabilities can stand up to bullying and put a halt to their plans."

Separately, Iran announced the start of construction on an air defence site, to be built in the south of the country about 210 km (130 miles) from its uranium enrichment facility in Isfahan, officials said.

The 200-hectare air defence installation in the Abadeh area would be the largest in that part of the country and will be built by Khatam al-Anbia, the engineering arm of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, and will eventually employ 6,000 people, Fars reported.

"If (the enemy) ever has the intent of attacking this soil, we will make the Persian Gulf their grave," Abadeh's governor, Mohammad Javad Askari, was quoted as saying at a ceremony marking the start of construction at the site.

Israel, believed to be the only atomic power in the Middle East, views Iran's nuclear programme as an existential threat, citing Iranian threats to destroy the Jewish state.

There has been an upsurge in rhetoric from Israeli politicians this month suggesting Israel might attack Iran's nuclear facilities ahead of the U.S. presidential election in November.

Iran, which denies trying to develop a nuclear bomb, says it could hit Israel and U.S. bases in the region if it comes under attack.

It has also threatened to block the Strait of Hormuz, the neck of the Gulf through which 40 percent of the world's sea-borne oil exports pass. Such a move would probably invite a military response from the United States.


Paul Beaver, a London-based defence analyst, said Tuesday's moves appear to be geared at showing the world Iran is prepared for an attack on its nuclear facilities, and said Iran had been able to upgrade air defence systems dating from before the 1979 Islamic revolution with Russian and perhaps Chinese equipment.

"We have seen 20 years of development of the Iranian air defence system," Beaver told Reuters. "I believe that Iran is a very hard nut to crack."

Iran is also locked in a years-long dispute with Russia over the high-precision S-300 air defence system, which Moscow has refused to deliver to Tehran in order to comply with expanded U.N. sanctions passed in 2010.

Iran said earlier this month that it had successfully test-fired the new Fateh-110 model and that it was equipped with a more accurate guidance system.

"This missile is one of the most precise and advanced land-to-land ballistic missiles using solid fuel," Vahidi was quoted as saying by Fars.

In July, Iran said it had successfully test-fired medium-range missiles capable of hitting Israel, and tested dozens of missiles aimed at simulated air bases.

It also presented a more powerful, 5,000-horsepower sea-borne engine, the Bonyan-4, Fars quoted Vahidi as saying. A previous version had 1,000 horsepower, the Iranian Students' News Agency (ISNA) said.

Military experts have cast doubt on Iran's claims of weapons advances, especially its assertions about its missile programme, saying Tehran often exaggerates its capabilities.

"The Fateh-110 has a crude guidance and control system that operates during the missile's ascent" rather than during final descent, said Michael Elleman, senior fellow for missile defence at the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

"The Fateh-110 appears to lack the subsystems needed to effect terminal steering," he said in an email.

Iran on Tuesday also presented Armita, an "airborne laboratory" to help test aircraft launch systems and oxygen generation and train fighter pilots, Fars reported.

Vahidi said it was named after the daughter of Dariush Rezaeinejad, an Iranian scientist who was shot dead last year.

Iran believes agents working with foreign intelligence services including the American CIA and Israel's Mossad are behind the assassinations of several of its nuclear scientists. ... AZ20120821
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par dil@w »

وزير الدفاع الإيرانى:عازمون على انتاج طائرات مقاتلة وصواريخ وغواصات وطائرات بدون طيار

Ahmed Wahidi Ministre de la Défense
أعلن أحمد وحيدى وزير الدفاع الإيرانى اليوم أن بلاده تعتزم انتاج مجموعة من الطائرات المقاتلة والصواريخ والغواصات والطائرات بدون طيار بحلول نهاية العام الإيرانى الذى بدأ بالفعل فى العشرين من شهر مارس الجارى.

ونقلت شبكة / برس تى فى / الاخبارية الإيرانية عن وحيدى قوله" إن إيران تضع على رأس أولوياتها انتاج طائرات بدون طيار علاوة على أننا نسعى أيضا إلى استخدام غواصات جديدة خلال العام القادم".

وأضاف وحيدى أن طهران بصدد انتاج جيل جديد من القوارب السريعة ذات القدرة القتالية العالية فضلا عن أجيال جديدة من صواريخ كروز والصواريخ الباليستية والعربات العسكرية "

على صعيد متصل، أعلن محمد حسينى نائب قائد قاعدة " خاتم الأنبياء " للدفاع الجوي الإيرانى أن بلاده بدأت بالفعل فى إقامة أكبر موقع للدفاع الجوى فى مدينة "آباده" الواقعة جنوب ايران .

واضاف المسئول الإيرانى فى كلمة ألقاها خلال احتفال اقيم أمس بهذه المناسبة أن بلاده رصدت 24.5 مليون دولار أمريكى لتنفيذ هذا المشروع والذى من المقرر أن يقام على مساحة قدرها 200 هيكتار.
واشارت شبكة / برس تى فى / الإيرانية إلى أن وحدات الدفاع الجوى الإيرانى اجرت فى منتصف شهر يوليو الماضى مناورات عسكرية استغرقت ثلاثة أيام تمكنت خلالها من إسقاط طائرة وهمية للعدو من طراز شبح من خلال استخدام وحدات المدفعية التابعة للجيش الايرانى .

وكانت قوات الحرس الثورى قد اجرت أيضا فى الاسبوع الماضى مناورات عسكرية تحت اسم // الرسول العظيم - 7 // تمكنت خلالها من اجراء تجارب ناجحة على اطلاق نوع جديد من الصواريخ الايرانية الصنع .

ça dit en gros que l'Iran va produire en priorité d'ici la fin de l'année iranienne (elle a commencé le 20 mars dernier) de nouveaux avions de combat, drones, missiles et sous-marins.
Dernière modification par dil@w le 25 août 2012, 00:23, modifié 1 fois.
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par dil@w »

Insolite :!: Quand la section avant d'un RF-5 rencontre un Tu-154 on a ça: une plateforme test pour siège éjectable

C'est quoi ça quel est le rapport avec l’Armée iranienne
Reponse au Modo/Admin: c'est un dispositif iranien, la section avant d'un RF-5 montée sur l’empennage d'un avion de ligne modifié Tu-154. Il ne faut pas oublier qu'ils continuent à fabriquer le F-5 (et sa version Reconnaissance) il est vrai que j'ai oublié de mentionner ceci :hadarat: ça permet de faire des tests de sièges éjectables (avec ou sans pilote ?) sans pour autant perdre un avion ni de faire le test sur une rampe au sol mais en l'air donc a différentes altitudes/situations.
à la suite de mon post j'ajoute d'autres details et commentaires
Just when we thought that Iran couldn't do anything else crazy linked to its aged fleet of Northrop F-5 fighters (following its foray into developing the V-tailed "Saegeh" version), a newly published image has raised many eyebrows here on Flightglobal.

Hosted on the site, the picture shows a modified Tupolev Tu-154M, formerly flown by Iran Air Tours, with an F-5 cockpit section now grafted onto the front-top of its vertical stabiliser. Image supplier "Iranian Spotters" describes the combo as intended to support tests of an Iranian-made ejection seat, and says the same aircraft will also carry out future work carrying indigenous unmanned air vehicles. ... -5-ej.html
Dernière modification par dil@w le 29 août 2012, 00:32, modifié 1 fois.
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Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par dil@w »

Quand un hors-bord britannique devient une des armes de l'armée iranienne

... after a series of clandestine transactions worthy of a Bond film, the British boat is berthed in Bandar Abbas, on the southern coast of Iran, where the West fears it has been fitted out with a deadly array of weapons systems. ... he-US.html
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par dil@w »

ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN AIR FORCE . نيروي هوايي جمهوري اسلامي ايران
F-14A "Tomcat"
Shahid Baba'ie Air Base, 2010
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par dil@w »

L'Iran réfléchit à déployer des navires au larges des côtes US

a test firing of an Iranian Nour missile from the Islamic republic's first domestically-manufactured destroyer, named Jamaran, off the southern shores of the Gulf. This is the first time a Nour missile is launched for testing from the locally-made warship.
Iran says it will counter US presence in its waters by sending ships to the international waters off the US coast, says Iranian Navy chief Admiral Sayyari.
No specifics were mentioned, but during an interview broadcast on state TV, Sayyari said the plans were aimed for “the next few years.”
In the past two years Iran has broadened the range of its navy, sending ships to the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean.

Sayyari did not deny that the proposed measure was a response to the increase in the number of US vessels in the Strait of Hormuz, a key oil passageway off the coast of Iran, which Tehran previously threatened to shut off.
“We will not allow anyone to trespass our country’s waters. There is no need for anyone else to establish security in our region,” said Sayyari.
The US Fifth Fleet is currently located in Bahrain, on the southern coast of the Strait of Hormuz.
More than a third of all the seaborne oil in the world passes through the narrow waterway.

Due to US and EU-led sanctions against the Islamic Republic, which the West suspects of covertly developing nuclear weapons, Iran’s export of oil has halved in the past year.
Financial data company Bloomberg reports that the country is missing out on $130 million a day in lost sales as a result.
In response to the sanctions, Tehran threatened to block the Strait of Hormuz. A majority of Iranian parliamentarians voted in favor of the blockade in July, and although the vote was seen as largely symbolic, the option is still on the table.
The US then upped its presence, and currently has two aircraft carriers in the region, also scheduling extensive war games for later this month.

Iranian high command has previously claimed that it will send its ships towards the US, but the threats have not yet resulted in actions.
Tension between the two countries are at a high, as speculation mounts that Washington’s close ally Israel may carry out a (possibly US-supported) strike on Iran to derail its incipient nuclear program.
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Fariq (فريق)
Fariq (فريق)
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par scorpion-rouge35 »

oui un déploiement avec une 100 de navire us qui les entour en permanence :mr green:


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