Armée Indienne

Inde, Russie, Chine, Japon, Corée du Sud, Corée du Nord, Malaisie, Vietnam, Philippine, Indonésie ...
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Inscription : 26 mars 2012, 19:45

Re: Armée Indienne

Message par geronimo »

Indian Navy Destroyer INS Kolkata at DIMDEX 2018 - Qatar

The Government of India has deputed Indian Naval Ship (INS) Kolkata to visit Hamad Port, Qatar during DIMDEX 2018. INS Kolkata is the lead ship of the three Kolkata Class destroyers and is one of the largest indigenously built destroyers to be operated by the Indian Navy. The Kolkata Class ships have been conceived and designed by the Indian Navy’s Directorate of Naval Design and built by Mazagon Dockyard Shipyard Limited, Mumbai.
:algerie01: :algerie01: :algerie01:

Aqid (عقيد)
Aqid (عقيد)
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Re: Armée Indienne

Message par deyaziz »

L'Inde déçue par le chasseur russe Su-57
22 mars 2018 ... /Su-57.jpg

Le programme de coopération russo-indien, qui vise à développer et produire des avions de combat de cinquième génération (FGFA) , est actuellement en danger. Le problème réside dans les observations faites par l' armée de l'air de l'Inde et son désaccord avec le produit. Pour sa part, la Force aérienne de l'Inde estime que l'aéronef ne répond pas aux caractéristiques requises ; et en outre, considère que le chasseur russe pourrait facilement être surpassé par les chasseurs américains F-35 et F-22.

Selon eux, les dirigeants indiens ne seraient pas satisfaits des fonctionnalités du Su-57 , et ils estiment qu'une décision politique devrait être prise concernant la poursuite du programme FGFA. Selon une source officielle, l'armée de l'air indienne ne croit pas que les dépenses du projet valent la peine.

Le Su-57 et son prototype T-50 étaient des produits du programme commun de combattants de cinquième génération de l'armée de l'air russe ou "PAK FA" (Frontline Aviation Prospective Air Complex), avec l'Inde.

Cependant, le Su-57 ne répondrait pas aux exigences de l'armée de l'air indienne. Dans le même temps, il existe différents points de vue sur le programme FGFA au sein du gouvernement. Certains fonctionnaires et experts estiment qu'il devrait être maintenu, d'autres considèrent que c'est un gaspillage d'argent.

Le ministère de la Défense de l'Inde est considéré comme un programme «incroyablement coûteux» et d'autres ont admis sérieusement envisager de quitter le programme. Le contrat de financement de la recherche et développement de FGFA est estimé à 4 milliards de dollars.

En août 2017, la Commission interne du ministère de la Défense de l'Inde a recommandé d'acheter un lot de 108 avions T-50 / FGFA en coproduction avec la Russie. Avant cela, il y avait des articles de presse sur la volonté de l'Inde d'acheter plus de 200 avions de chasse.

En fait, en Février dernier, le directeur adjoint du Service fédéral de coopération militaro-technique, Vladimir Drozhzhov avait annoncé que la Russie et l'Inde ont convenu de développer le tout nouvel avion de chasse. La Russie a testé les systèmes d'armes du Su-57 peu de temps après le transfert de deux avions à la base aérienne de Khmeimim, mais il semblerait que le projet soit suspendu par un fil.

dz mk3
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
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Re: Armée Indienne

Message par dz mk3 »

Les Russes ne feront pas confiance à l'Inde, en particulier dans la période récente :fouet:
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Aqid (عقيد)
Aqid (عقيد)
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Re: Armée Indienne

Message par sadral »

Le groupe Caracal EAU a signé un protocole d'accord pour fabriquer un fusil d'assaut CAR 817AR en Inde

Le fabricant d'armes à feu Caracal basé aux Emirats Arabes Unis a signé un protocole d'accord avec la compagnie indienne MKU pour une coopération stratégique dans la fabrication du fusil d'assaut CAR 817AR en Inde. Le CAR 817AR est un fusil d'assaut à système de culasse rotatif à gaz, à foyer central, chambré en 7.62 NATO / .308Win.
Le fusil d'assaut CAR 817AR sera fabriqué en Inde dans les installations proposées par MKU à Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh dans le cadre de l'initiative «Make in India» du gouvernement indien et sera offert à l'armée indienne pour ses besoins.

Le MoU couvre également une coopération mutuelle dans la promotion de MKU Electro Optics et Armor aux forces EAU par EDIC Caracal, une filiale d'Emirates Defence Industries Company (EDIC) avec plus de 16 actifs répartis sur divers segments industriels de la défense aux Emirats Arabes Unis.

M. Hamad Salem Al Ameri, directeur général de l'EDIC Caracal, a déclaré: «Nos gouvernements respectifs ont déjà de solides relations. Nous espérons que cette coopération avec MKU deviendra un point de départ pour une grande coopération stratégique en matière de défense entre les deux pays. plus de partenariats potentiels.

A l'occasion, M. Neeraj Gupta, Directeur Général de MKU a déclaré: "Nous sommes impatients de développer une association forte avec EDIC Caracal. Cette association renforcera encore le portefeuille de produits de l'autre pour l'Inde et le Moyen-Orient. Le fusil CAR 817AR est un produit robuste et polyvalent qui répondra à toutes les exigences de nos forces armées.

Fahad Abdulrahman Eisa, Directeur principal du développement des affaires, EDIC Caracal a ajouté: «L'Inde est l'un des marchés les plus importants et les plus prometteurs au monde et MKU est un partenaire idéal avec son expérience et ses excellentes références dans la fabrication de défense. MKU a déjà des produits existants qui sont très demandés aux EAU. Nous sommes très positifs que cette association verra de grands sommets »

Ce sera la 2ème base de fabrication de Caracal en Asie. Ses armes sont actuellement déployées avec diverses forces dans les EAU. Le CAR 817AR satisfait à toutes les normes et spécifications internationales et constitue une plate-forme éprouvée dans diverses conditions défavorables.

Caracal International, dont le siège social est situé à Abu Dhabi aux Emirats Arabes Unis, est le premier fabricant d'armes légères de la région avec un portefeuille comprenant le pistolet de combat de dernière génération 9mm, le pistolet mitrailleur 9mm (SMG) en standard, compact et versions supprimées, trois plates-formes de fusil tactique et trois fusils de sniper modulaires. Ces armes sont toutes de conception originale et ont été développées en interne pour une utilisation par des civils ou des professionnels de l'application de la loi et des militaires. ... india.html traduction Google
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« Une page est tournée ; l'Algérie est d'abord fille de son histoire, qu'elle ait surmonté l'épreuve coloniale et même défié l'éclipse, atteste, s'il en était besoin, de cette volonté inextinguible de vivre sans laquelle les peuples sont menacés parfois de disparition.
L'ornière qui nous a contraints à croupir dans l'existence végétative des asphyxies mortelles nous imposa de nous replier sur nous-mêmes dans l'attente et la préparation d'un réveil et d'un sursaut qui ne pouvaient se faire, hélas ! que dans la souffrance et dans le sang. La France, elle-même, a connu de ces disgrâces et de ces résurrections. » Le président Houari Boumediene.
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Aqid (عقيد)
Aqid (عقيد)
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Re: Armée Indienne

Message par sadral »

Visite du directeur général des achats du ministère de la Défense de l'Inde -M. Apurva Chandra- sur le site de production des S-400 a Saint-Petersbourg
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« Une page est tournée ; l'Algérie est d'abord fille de son histoire, qu'elle ait surmonté l'épreuve coloniale et même défié l'éclipse, atteste, s'il en était besoin, de cette volonté inextinguible de vivre sans laquelle les peuples sont menacés parfois de disparition.
L'ornière qui nous a contraints à croupir dans l'existence végétative des asphyxies mortelles nous imposa de nous replier sur nous-mêmes dans l'attente et la préparation d'un réveil et d'un sursaut qui ne pouvaient se faire, hélas ! que dans la souffrance et dans le sang. La France, elle-même, a connu de ces disgrâces et de ces résurrections. » Le président Houari Boumediene.

Amid (عميد)
Amid (عميد)
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Re: Armée Russe

Message par numide »

Le FSVTS de la Russie indique que les négociations sur la vente de S-400 à l'Inde sont suspendues sur la question des prix.
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Muqaddam (مقدم)
Muqaddam (مقدم)
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Inscription : 17 septembre 2012, 23:17
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Re: Armée Indienne

Message par tahiadidou »

Selon Janes
India withdraws from FGFA project, leaving Russia to go it alone
Rahul Bedi, New Delhi and Reuben F Johnson, Kuala Lumpur - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
20 April 2018

Key Points
  • India has pulled out of its 11-year collaborative programme with Russia to build a Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft
    The decision has ramifications for both the IAF and the Russian aerospace industry
    The Indian Air Force (IAF) has shelved its 11-year old collaborative Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) programme with Russia following enduring differences over its developmental cost and technological capabilities.
Senior Indian officials, including National Security Adviser Ajit Doval and Defence Secretary Sanjay Mitra, recently informed a visiting Russian ministerial delegation that India was withdrawing from the programme, official sources told Jane’s on 20 April.

The Indian officials are believed to have stated that the IAF could, at a later date, ‘revisit’ the FGFA project or alternatively acquire the fully developed platform once it had been inducted into the Russian Air Force, but did not elaborate.

Industry officials said the FGFA project, in which India’s state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) was the lead developmental agency, also did not feature in talks during Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s visit to Moscow in early April.

“The FGFA project had become an instance of too little, too late,” said military analyst and retired air marshal V K Bhatia. To pursue it any longer would not have served the IAF interests in any way as it struggles to make up fast-depleting fighter numbers, he added.

The IAF believes that the Sukhoi Su-57 (T-50 PAK-FA) fighter, which India’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) designated the Perspective Multi-Role Fighter, does not meet its requirements for stealth, combat avionics, radars and sensors. Seven FGFA prototypes are currently undergoing flight-testing in Russia, but for now there is no indication as to when the platform is likely to enter series production
Se retirer après une 'collaboration' de 11 ans? il doit y avoir anguille sous roche. Ils voulaient tout bon marché.
C'est qu'ils doivent flairer une alternative. Peut être du coté Américain avec Lockheed.

Cela ne les empêche pas, apparemment, de discuter d'autres choses (Post ci-dessus de Sadral)
India continues to consider Russian equipment
Beth Stevenson, London - IHS Jane's Defence Industry
23 April 2018

The head of the Indian Ministry of Defence’s acquisition division has travelled to Russia to discuss defence industrial co-operation between the two nations, a notable move following New Delhi’s 20 April confirmation that it has withdrawn from an 11-year collaborative fighter aircraft development programme.

Apurva Chandra, director general for acquisition at the Indian ministry of defence, visited the country to become familiar with the production facilities of Russian defence industry, Rosoboronexport announced, facilitating negotiations on potential military and technical projects.

Chandra visited the national centre for helicopters in Moscow and watched a flight demonstration of the Ka-226T rotorcraft that India has on order, followed by a visit to the Yantar shipbuilding plant in Kaliningrad.

Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Armée Indienne

Message par malikos »

That would indicate they favour the Gripen NG over the F16 block 70.
Hopefully that has some impact in Algerian decision making
(PS...and no I have no link to SAAB whatsoever; just like their tech and approach)
Sweden, India Work on Security Accord That May Open for Jet Deal
By Amanda Billner , Hanna Hoikkala , and Rafaela Lindeberg
April 17, 2018, 2:16 PM GMT+2 Updated on April 17, 2018, 6:08 PM GMT+2
Saab sees ‘spectacular possibilities’ in Indian market
India PM Modi visiting Sweden for a summit with Nordic leaders

A Saab Gripen fighter jet Photographer: Dhiraj Singh/Bloomberg

India and Sweden agreed to work on a deal to allow increased sharing of classified information, potentially opening up for Saab AB to secure an order for its Gripen fighter jets.

An accord will be needed for cooperation on defense materials, Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven said at a press conference in Stockholm with his Indian counterpart, Narendra Modi, who was in town for a summit with Nordic leaders.

“This agreement would be an important step forward as we are deepening our bilateral cooperation in the defense domain,” Lofven said. The countries also agreed to set up a common task force on cyber security and form a partnership on innovation.

The visit comes as Swedish weapon manufacturer Saab is vying for a contract in India to build 110 locally-manufactured aircraft.

Swedish Enterprise Minister Mikael Damberg said agreeing to share secrets is common when these types of deals move forward. “When you enter into the final phase you need to learn more about company secrets and deeper information,” he said in an interview.

Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said to reporters after the meetings that he was able to restart joint commission with India and also signed four bilateral agreements, including three in agriculture.

Modi also met with Swedish business leaders on Tuesday, who are eager to gain a bigger share of one of the world’s biggest and emerging markets.

Hakan Buskhe, Saab’s chief executive officer, was one of the executives in attendance. While there’s no time to drive deal making in these settings, a top-level meeting of this kind indicates a willingness to move forward together, he said in an interview.

Saab is targeting the Indian market for a broad spectrum of business, including Gripen, he said. “What’s spectacular are the possibilities out there,” he said. ... r-jet-deal
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Topic author
Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
Messages : 7618
Inscription : 26 mars 2012, 19:45

Re: Armée Indienne

Message par geronimo »

malikos a écrit :
13 mai 2018, 16:12
That would indicate they favour the Gripen NG over the F16 block 70.
Hopefully that has some impact in Algerian decision making
(PS...and no I have no link to SAAB whatsoever; just like their tech and approach)
Hi what you mean by that has impact in algerien decision making in with way?? I thought a lot about it but I can't find the link.
:algerie01: :algerie01: :algerie01:

Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Armée Indienne

Message par malikos »

geronimo a écrit :
13 mai 2018, 21:03
malikos a écrit :
13 mai 2018, 16:12
That would indicate they favour the Gripen NG over the F16 block 70.
Hopefully that has some impact in Algerian decision making
(PS...and no I have no link to SAAB whatsoever; just like their tech and approach)
Hi what you mean by that has impact in algerien decision making in with way?? I thought a lot about it but I can't find the link.
that we take the Gripen NG to replace our MiG 29, since India has the same issue.
their choice is not meaningless to us since we chose the MKI/A like they did.
some people here on the forum stone you alive for those ideas:
however, on a reasonable technical level the Gripen NG is better than the block 70, if you take the global-eye and possible tech transfer which comes with it, into account.
the MiG 35 is technically inferior when it comes to avionics and radar (and not ready), thus I doubt AAF will take it

Aqid (عقيد)
Aqid (عقيد)
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Re: Armée Indienne

Message par deyaziz »

geronimo a écrit :
13 mai 2018, 21:03
malikos a écrit :
13 mai 2018, 16:12
That would indicate they favour the Gripen NG over the F16 block 70.
Hopefully that has some impact in Algerian decision making
(PS...and no I have no link to SAAB whatsoever; just like their tech and approach)
Hi what you mean by that has impact in algerien decision making in with way?? I thought a lot about it but I can't find the link.
That is, Algeria may go to contract the Grapean like India. This is what can be deduced ?

Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Armée Indienne

Message par malikos »

Saab’s Gripen E is Leading IAF’s latest MMRCA Contest for 110 Fighter Jets
The Ministry of Defence, Government of India, intends to procure Fighter Aircraft
for the Indian Air Force (IAF) which is to be “Made in India”. The proposal is to procure
approximately 110 fighter aircraft (about 75% single seat and rest twin-seat aircraft).

Saab Gripen E with various munitions (Source Saab Group)
Under the procurement plan, 15% aircraft will be sold to flyaway condition and the
remaining 85% aircraft will have to be made in India by the manufacturer with a strategic partner from India.

The Indian Air Force defined the operational role of the fighter jet to be Air Superiority, Air Defence, Air to Surface Operations, Reconnaissance, Maritime, EW missions and Buddy Refuelling etc. IAF specified that the proposed fighter jet could carry weapons of Indian origin and foreign origin. Vendors are requested to define aspect and relevant radar frequency bands for calculation of Radar Cross Section (RCS) of the aircraft when aircraft configured with A2A and A2G weapons. The RCS is another factor that may put western aircraft ahead of Russian aircraft.

The most intriguing fact that the IAF specified refuelling capability of NATO standard and Gallium Nitride (GaN) based technology used in AESA radar which is available only in European and American fighter jet indicate that the IAF does not indent or interested in Russia’s fighter jet in the recent RFI.

The Radar tracking mode also specified beyond + 60° azimuth and 120km range which is covered by Wide Field of Regard of Raven AESA radar. None of the Russian radar has Wide Field of Regard.

The Radar specification includes Real Beam Mapping (RBM), Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Ground Moving Target Indication (GMTI) over RBM/SAR, Ground Moving Target Track (GMTT) over RBM/SAR, Ground Target (Stationary) Track, Air to Ground Ranging, Weather, Sea Surveillance and Search While Track, Sea Target Continuous Track (STCT), Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) and Terrain Avoidance.

The specification of radar, electronics and refuelling prob will prohibit any Russian fighter jets inclusive Su-35 to compete in Indian MMRCA as Russian fighter jets lack advanced GaN-based radar.

The MiG-35 has been advertised as a fighter jet with an AESA radar. However, the recent delivery of Egyptian Air Force (EAF) does not contain an AESA radar because the radar supposed to be exported to Egyptian Air Force allegedly is not production ready.

Raven ES.jpg
Raven ES-05 GaN-based AESA radar (Source Leonardo Company)
The requirements stipulating the use of GaN-based TRMs in the aircraft’s AESA radar seems to be a significant discerning factor. The Saab JAS 39 Gripen E seems to be leading the IAF’s latest fighter contest for now.

Relevant Article ... hter-jets/

Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Armée Indienne

Message par malikos »

despite the strong US competition
Lockheed to Sweeten India Fighter Jet Bid With F-35 Technology
By Nc Bipindra
April 25, 2018, 1:01 PM GMT+2
Radar used in fifth-generation fighter being offered to India
Lockheed cites export potential of jets from India plant

An F-16 Source: USAF
Lockheed Martin Corp. will provide latest combat jet technologies including a target tracking device aboard the F-16 aircraft that it plans to offer to India in its bid for the world’s largest order from the Indian Air Force.

The global defense giant will offer jets equipped with the advanced radar which is fitted on its fifth-generation combat jet, the F-35, as well as a helmet-mounted tracking system and a new radio data link system, Vivek Lall, vice president for strategy and business development at Lockheed Martin said Wednesday.

The bid also comes with an offer to shift its lone production line for F-16s from Fort Worth, Texas in the U.S. to India as it takes on competitors Saab AB and Boeing Co. The variant being pitched is the F-16 Block 70.

“There are a lot of technologies that come into the F-16 from F-35 and F-22, including the latest radar on these platforms,” Lall said in an interview. “It is a contemporary, state-of-the-art platform.”

Getting state-of-the-art fighters is crucial for Prime Minister Narendra Modi as the South Asian nation faces increased risks from neighboring Pakistan and China at a time when the Russian MiG jet -- India’s mainstay -- is being phased out. As part of that plan, India sought proposals from global manufacturers for 110 combat planes, a deal worth at least $15 billion.

Defense Modernization
The jet order is an attempt to modernize the South Asian nation’s defense forces, a plan which could cost as much as $250 billion over a 10-year period ending 2025. And Modi wants a significant part of it to be done locally under his ‘Make in India’ campaign, which aims to promote domestic manufacturing.

Lockheed Martin sees a huge export potential to provide over 200 F-16s to the global market if India chooses the aircraft, Lall said. The winner of the combat jet tender will be required to establish a production line within three years.

”We already see a global rise in the demand for F-16 from the 25 air forces around the world that already fly them. This export potential for the F-16s could be met through the exclusive production line we propose to put up in India,” Lall said.

Lockheed Martin has received the request for information from India for the F-16s to meet its air force requirement, he said ... technology

Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Armée Indienne

Message par malikos »

Will India’s Air Force Get 40 More Su-30MKI Fighter Jets?
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited offered to build 40 additional Su-30MKI fighters.

By Franz-Stefan Gady
May 18, 2018

Indian state-owned aircraft maker Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) has offered to produce 40 additional Sukhoi Su-30MKI multirole air superiority fighters for the Indian Air Force (IAF), according to local media reports.

Should the proposal be accepted by the Indian Ministry of Defense (MoD), the IAF’s fleet of Sukhoi Su-30MKIs would expand from the current 272 fighters to 312, divided up into 16 squadrons. HAL is currently producing the Su-30MKI at a flyaway cost of around USD$62 million per aircraft, while the competing French-made Dassault Rafale multirole fighter per-unit cost comes in at about USD$115 million (USD$85 million per official French documents).

HAL is presently assembling the last 23 Su-30MKI on order from the MoD.

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The twin-seater, twin-engine Su-30MKI, developed by Russian aircraft maker Sukhoi and license-built in India, constitutes the backbone of the IAF. While the first 50 Su-30 aircraft were built in Russia, the remaining fighter jets were assembled in India. The IAF originally received the older Su-30MK variant from Russia, which the Indian defense industry in partnership with Russian defense companies upgraded to the MKI standard.

Unlike the Russian Su-30SM, the MKI version includes Israeli and French avionics. For example, the aircraft is fitted with a French-made heads-up display system, and an Israeli electronic warfare system and an advanced targeting pod. The Su-30MKI also features AL-37FP thrust-vectoring engines and canard foreplanes for increased maneuverability. HAL and Sukhoi are currently negotiating a contract for the upgrade of older Su-30MKI models in service with the IAF.

The IAF plans to upgrade its fleet of SU-30MKI to “Super Sukhois,” which includes fitting the aircraft with new long-range, precision-strike weapons systems, upgraded engines, and more advanced avionics. Contract negotiations are still ongoing. As I reported previously, the IAF is also looking to modify 40 Su-30MKI aircraft to carry the air-launched BrahMos-A supersonic cruise missile. As of now, two IAF Su-30 MKIs have been converted to fire the new 2.5-ton supersonic air-to-surface cruise missile.

The MoD order to retrofit the Su-30MKIs for the BrahMos-A was the initial impetus for HAL’s proposal to manufacture 40 additional aircraft. “We are required to modify 40-odd Sukhoi-30s to carry the BrahMos ALCM [air-launched cruise missile]. Instead of upgrading older fighters, with a shorter residual lifespan, it would be better to build three more squadrons of Sukhois with the capability to carry BrahMos missiles,” HAL chairman T. Suvarna Raju, told local media on May 15.

“It is easier and better to kit out new Su-30s to carry the BrahMos, rather than carrying out structural modifications to old aircraft,” he added.

The IAF is slated to receive 200 air-launched BrahMos-A missiles in the coming years. In order for the Su-30MKI to carry and launch the BrahMos-A, the aircraft’s undercarriage needs to be reinforced and hardened electronic circuitry to withstand the electromagnetic pulses of a nuclear blast — the missile can reportedly carry a nuclear warhead — installed, next to other modifications. ... hter-jets/

Aqid (عقيد)
Aqid (عقيد)
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Inscription : 03 avril 2012, 18:27
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Re: Armée Indienne

Message par guidher »

Des Reaper pour l'Inde ?
Après avoir signé un contrat avec les Etats-Unis pour des drones MQ-9A Guardian, l'Inde chercherait désormais à se doter de drones Reaper.

D'après le média sUAS News, le gouvernement indien aurait annoncé, le 2 mai, vouloir acquérir des drones de combat Reaper. Cet achat représentait une somme d'environ 3 Md$. Pour l'instant le nombre de systèmes qui pourrait être commandé n'a pas été précisé, mais au regard de ce montant cela concernerait un grand nombre de plateformes. En juin dernier, l'Inde avait déjà signé un contrat avec les Etats-Unis pour 22 MQ-9A Guardian, la version du drone dédiée aux missions de surveillance.

L'acquisition de cette plateforme permettrait à l'Inde de renforcer ses moyens d'actions et s'inscrit dans la stratégie de défense du pays. La feuille de route publiée par New Dehli en février dernier prévoit ainsi l'achat de 500 drones d'ici 2020. Le Reaper ferait-il partie de ce cadre, qui s'inscrit dans la stratégie du Make In India ?

Pour le moment, il ne s'agit pas d'une commande ferme mais seulement de déclarations. Toutefois, une décision pourrait être prise rapidement, à l'occasion de la rencontre entre l'Inde et des Etats-Unis au cours de la semaine prochaine. ... nde-110527

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