Crash d'Avions et d’Hélicoptères Militaires

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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Crash d'Avions et d’Hélicoptères Militaires

Message par tchpako »

borznayadouti a écrit :un crash d'un avion de transport de l'armée américaine le 30/04/2013 en Afghanistan; vidéo d'un amateur ... Lw&index=2
c'est un boeing 747, le crash a eu lieu à l'aéroport de Bagram ;)
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Crash d'Avions et d’Hélicoptères Militaires

Message par tchpako »

l'article en question ;)
Afghanistan. Le crash impressionnant d’un avion sur la base de Bagram
Faits divers mercredi 01 mai 2013

Un Boeing 747-400 de la compagnie National Air Cargo s’est écrasé lundi lors de son décollage de la base aérienne américaine de Bagram en Afghanistan, tuant les sept personnes à bord.

L’accident a eu lieu juste après le décollage du jumbo jet à destination de l’aéroport de Dubaï. L’avion semble n’avoir pas pu s’élever et s’est écrasé dans l’enceinte de la base. Les sauveteurs arrivés sur place n’ont pas trouvé de survivants dans l’épave en feu. Les sept membres d’équipages, quatre pilotes, deux mécaniciens et un load master, étaient tous américains.

Les raisons du crash sont inconnues, certaines sources parlant de problème avec la cargaison (cinq véhicules militaires et du fret, selon la compagnie), tandis que les talibans ont revendiqué avoir abattu l’avion – une version formellement démentie par l’OTAN, selon qui il n’y avait « pas d’activité des rebelles » autour de la gigantesque base militaire. ... filDMA.Htm
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Banni Définitivement
Banni Définitivement
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Re: Crash d'Avions et d’Hélicoptères Militaires

Message par Youma »

Kirghizstan: un avion d'une base américaine s'écrase

Par: rédaction
3/05/13 - 13h28

Un avion de ravitaillement de la base militaire américaine de Manas au Kirghizstan s'est écrasé après le décollage, a annoncé vendredi à l'AFP le porte-parole du ministère pour les Situations d'urgence.

"Selon mes informations, l'avion s'est brisé en trois morceaux. Le nombre de morts ou blessés n'est pas encore connu. Tous les services de secours sont sur place", a déclaré Abdisharip Bekilov.

L'avion s'est écrasé près du village de montagne de Chaldybar, à environ 200 kilomètres de la capitale Bichkek et à proximité de la frontière avec le Kazakhstan, selon le porte-parole.

Le service de presse de la base américaine a pour sa part déclaré à l'agence de presse Interfax qu'il ne pouvait pas confirmer dans l'immédiat l'accident.

"Nous ne pouvons pas confirmer cette information, qui est en cours de vérification", a déclaré un porte-parole. L'avion avait décollé à 14H30 locale de Manas, a précisé à l'AFP le porte-parole du ministère des Transports et de la communication kirghiz, Kylychbek Dosumbetov, citant l'Agence de l'aviation civile du pays.

Selon le ministère des Situations d'urgence, il s'agit d'un avion Stratotanker KC-135, qui avait perdu le contact avec la base juste après le décollage. Des témoins ont raconté à l'agence de presse kirghize AKIpress qu'ils avaient entendu une détonation, puis une explosion, et que l'épave était toujours en flammes.

Les Etats-Unis louent une base aérienne à l'aéroport de Manas, près de la capitale Bichkek, par laquelle transitent chaque mois des dizaines de milliers d'hommes engagés dans les opérations militaires en Afghanistan.

Manas, où opèrent 1.200 soldats américains, est aussi essentiel au ravitaillement en carburant des avions engagés dans le conflit contre les talibans.

Le président kirghiz, Almazbek Atambaïev, avait réitéré en décembre dernier sa volonté de voir disparaître cette base militaire américaine sur le territoire de cette ex-république soviétique d'Asie centrale, voisine de l'Afghanistan.


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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Crash d'Avions et d’Hélicoptères Militaires

Message par tchpako »

Pilots critically injured as army helicopter crashes
NNI 23 hrs ago

GUJRANWALA - A helicopter of the Pakistan army crashed on Friday critically injuring two pilots on board. The incident occurred when the chopper fell near Haripur Bridge in Wazirabad.

According to the media reports, the pilots were shifted to Combined Military Hospital (CMH) for treatment.

Eye witnesses said that the chopper was seen traveling on low altitude and apparently crashed due to a technical malfunction.

Sources said one of the pilots was in a ‘extremely critical condition’ and was undergoing treatment.
- See more at: ... RRkDx.dpuf ... r-crashes/
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Crash d'Avions et d’Hélicoptères Militaires

Message par tchpako »

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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Crash d'Avions et d’Hélicoptères Militaires

Message par tchpako »

Pilot Killed, 18 Injured in Plane Crash at Madrid Air Show

MOSCOW, May 6 (RIA Novosti) - A pilot was killed after his plane crashed into a hangar injuring 18 people at an air show in Madrid on Sunday, Spain’s EFE news agency reported.

Medical assistance was rendered to three policemen, five staff workers and ten out of some 3,000 spectators, who gathered on Sunday at the Cuatro Vientos airfield to watch a showcase of aerial acrobatics and vintage aircraft. reported citing a spokesman for Spain's Defense Ministry that the killed pilot was identified as Ladislao Tejedor Romero, 35, an experienced jet pilot and assistant to Defense Minister Pedro Morenes.

The plane that crashed was an HA-200 Saeta, which was built in the 1950s as an advanced jet trainer by Hispano Aviacion.

Investigators are currently working to establish the cause of the crash, while the Cuatro Vientos airfield, located some eight kilometers (five miles) outside of Madrid, was temporarily closed. ... -Show.html
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Crash d'Avions et d’Hélicoptères Militaires

Message par tchpako »

NAF releases names of pilots killed in Niamey crash
Wednesday, 08 May 2013 00:00

FOLLOWING the Alpha Jet air crash on Monday, the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) has released the names of the two officers who died in the crash.

The deceased, Squadron Leader Benjamin Bem Ado and Flying Officer Ayuba Joab Layelmenson, were part of NAF’s contigent in the African-led international support mission in Mali stationed in Niamey, Niger Republic.

According to a release signed by NAF Director of Public Relations, Air Commodre Y. Anas, a copy of which was made available to the Nigerian Tribune, Ado, who hailed from Konshisha Local Government Area of Benue State, was, until his death, a member of the 50th regular course of the Nigerian Defence Academy.

“Ado, an instructor pilot who had flown many aircraft types in the inventory of NAF, as well as in Pakistan and the United States (US), was married and blessed with a child,” the statement added.

Layelmenson, according to the statement, was from Azare, in Shongom Local Government Area of Gombe State and was a member of the 57th Regular Course.

He was stated to have graduated from the Hellenic Air Force Academy in July 11, commissioned into NAF as a pilot officer and was a qualified squadron pilot on the Alpha Jet before his death.

He was survived by his parents.

The Chief of Air Staff (COAS), Air Marshall Alex Badeh, on Tuesday, paid a condolence visit to the families of the deceased in Kaduna and Kanji, respectively.

During his visit, he expressed his sadness over the incident, praying for the soul of the departed and the families, the fortitude to bear the loss. ... amey-crash
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Crash d'Avions et d’Hélicoptères Militaires

Message par tchpako »

Alenia Aermacchi pilot ejects from stricken M-346

By: Craig Hoyle London
5 hours ago

Alenia Aermacchi says one of its test pilots is in a good condition after being forced to eject from a prototype M-346 advanced jet trainer on 11 May.

In a statement, the company says the twin-engined aircraft - which it identifies as CMX617 - encountered a technical problem around 20min after taking off from Turin-Caselle airport. "The aircraft crashed in Val Bormida, between the provinces of Cuneo and Savona, without damage to people or properties," after its lone pilot ejected successfully, it adds.

Further details about the crash have yet to be disclosed, but Alenia Aermacchi says it has formed an internal technical commission to investigate the factors leading to the accident.

The incident represents the second loss of an M-346 prototype, with another example having crashed off the coast of Dubai following an air show appearance in 2011. Both crew members survived after ejecting from their Honeywell F124-200-powered aircraft.

Alenia Aermacchi has so far delivered two T-346A trainers to the Italian air force for test and evaluation purposees, with the service to receive four more under a launch order for the type. Export successes have also already been scored, with the Republic of Singapore Air Force and Israeli air force to receive 12 and 30 examples, respectively. ... 46-385756/
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Banni Définitivement
Banni Définitivement
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Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 19:24
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Re: Crash d'Avions et d’Hélicoptères Militaires

Message par Youma »

Yémen: crash d'un avion militaire à Sanaa, mort du pilote

Créé le 13-05-2013 à 11h21 - Mis à jour à 11h21

SANAA (Yémen) (AFP) - Un Sukhoï de l'armée yéménite s'est écrasé lundi sur un quartier résidentiel du sud de Sanaa, a indiqué une source militaire faisant état de la mort du pilote.

"Un avion de type Sukhoï s'est écrasé sur le quartier résidentiel Al-Asbahi, dans le sud de Sanaa", a déclaré la source militaire précisant que le pilote a été tué dans le crash.

Aucune autre indication n'a pu être obtenue sur les circonstances du crash.

Il s'agit du deuxième incident du genre en moins de trois mois. Le 19 février, 12 personnes, dont 11 civils, avaient péri dans le crash d'un Sukhoï SU-22 à Sanaa.

En novembre, un Antonov M26 de l'armée de l'air, en mission d'entraînement, s'était écrasé dans un quartier du nord de Sanaa, tuant ses dix occupants dont le pilote.

L'armée yéménite dispose d'une base aérienne qui jouxte l'aéroport de Sanaa, à quelque 15 km au nord de la capitale. Ses avions militaires, pour la plupart de fabrication soviétique, sont vieillissants. ... e-tue.html
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Crash d'Avions et d’Hélicoptères Militaires

Message par tchpako »

13 May 2013 Last updated at 21:43 GMT
Turkish F-16 fighter crashes near Syria, killing pilot
Turkish F16 fighter jet seen here in Ankara The F16 jet was reportedly on an operational mission from its base in northern Turkey
The pilot of a Turkish F-16 fighter jet has been found dead after the aircraft crashed near Turkey's border with Syria, reports say.

The plane was flying over the Amanos Mountains in the southern province of Osmaniye on Monday when it lost radio contact, Anatolia news agency said.

The pilot reportedly sent a message saying "I'm jumping" before contact was lost.

Rescuers found his body near to the wreckage of the aircraft.
Loud bang

Osmaniye Governor Celalettin Cerrah had earlier announced that a cockpit window and some other pieces of the aircraft had been found in the Caksir area.
Map showing Turkish town of Osmaniye on border with Syria

The jet, which is based at the 5th Main Jet Command in the northern province of Amasya, had been performing an operational flight.

The Turkish military said it had lost touch with the aircraft at 14:15 local time (11:15 GMT).

People living around the village of Yarpuz, about 25km (16 miles) north of the Syrian border, said that they had heard a loud bang like an explosion, according to local media

A Turkish fighter jet was shot down by Syria over the Mediterranean in June 2012, after Syrian forces said it had entered the country's airspace.

It was not immediately clear what caused Monday's crash.
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Crash d'Avions et d’Hélicoptères Militaires

Message par tchpako »

Army copter crashes near Siachen, pilots suffer minor injuries
TNN May 14, 2013, 12.19AM IST

NEW DELHI: An Army helicopter crashed on the glacial heights of Siachen-Saltoro Ridge on Monday morning but, fortunately, both the pilots escaped with just minor injuries and were later evacuated for medical treatment.

The "Dhruv" advanced light helicopter, flown by a Lt-Colonel and a Major from the 203 Army Aviation Squadron based at Leh, on "a routine maintenance sortie" from the Siachen base camp to the forward Sonam post, located at an altitude of 20,400-feet, when it crashed at about 8 am.

"The helicopter, on a sortie to airdrop supplies to forward posts, fell into a crevasse on the northern glacier...The two pilots were not seriously injured. They were later evacuated to a military hospital," said an officer.

The Army Aviation Corps currently operates 195 ageing CheetahChetak helicopters and has also inducted around 70 Dhruvs over the last decade. The last time an Army Dhruv had crashed was in Sikkim in April, 2011, when the two pilots and two soldiers on board had been killed.

Though the indigenously-manufactured 5.5-tonne Dhruvs have not had a high crash rate, these helicopters have had a chequered history, with the entire fleet even being grounded in the past due to technical snags. In production for over a decade, technical glitches have continued to dog the ALH project, putting paid to much-touted ambitious plans to sell the multi-role helicopter to other countries.
http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes ... -the-dhruv
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Banni Définitivement
Banni Définitivement
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Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 19:24
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Re: Crash d'Avions et d’Hélicoptères Militaires

Message par Youma »

Air Force pilot safe after F-16 crashes offshore (update)

Central News Agency
2013-05-15 05:46 PM

Taipei, May 15 (CNA) An Air Force single-seater F-16 jet fighter crashed into waters southwest of Chiayi in southern Taiwan on Wednesday, but its pilot ejected to safety, according to Air Force Command Headquarters.

The plane crashed soon after taking off from the Air Force's base in Chiayi at 2 p.m. on a training mission, the headquarters said.

The pilot, Lieutenant Wu Yen-ting, found there was something wrong with the plane and ejected after reporting the problem to the control tower, according to the Air Force.

An S-70C helicopter was then sent to rescue the 26-year-old pilot, who suffered only minor injuries. Wu is now being treated at a veterans hospital in Chiayi, the headquarters said.

The Air Force suspected mechanical failure was behind the crash but said it has set up a special task force to further investigate the cause of the mishap. (By Chiang Chun-liang and Sofia Wu) ... id=2221633

Banni Définitivement
Banni Définitivement
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Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 19:24
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Re: Crash d'Avions et d’Hélicoptères Militaires

Message par Youma »

Jordan military plane crash kills two pilots

AFP- Amman - A Jordanian air force plane on a training flight crashed on Thursday due to a technical failure, killing the pilot and a train, an official in the armed forces’ general command said in a statement.

“At 6:55 a.m. (0355 GMT) on Thursday morning one of the training planes, a Firefly, at the King Hussein air force college (in Mafraq, in northern Jordan), crashed in a training area to the west of the college after a technical failure during a routine training flight," the statement said.

The source added that the pilot and the trainee on board both died in the accident.

The last incident of this kind took place in January 2012, when a Jordanian military pilot was killed after his aircraft crashed on a training flight due to a technical failure.


Banni Définitivement
Banni Définitivement
Messages : 3343
Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 19:24
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Re: Crash d'Avions et d’Hélicoptères Militaires

Message par Youma »

US F-15 crashes in Japan; pilot ejects safely

May. 28, 2013

TOKYO — An American F-15 fighter crashed into the sea after its pilot ejected from his plane off Japan’s southernmost Okinawa prefecture on Tuesday, the US Air Force said.

“A Kadena-based F-15 aircraft developed a problem that ultimately resulted in the pilot ejecting from the aircraft over the Pacific Ocean approximately 70 miles (110 kilometers) east of Okinawa,” the Air Force said, referring to the hub of American air power in the Pacific.

“US and Japanese rescue crews are responding to recover the pilot, who reportedly ejected safely and is in contact with rescue crews,” the statement said, adding the cause of the incident would be investigated.

Japan’s coast guard said it was involved in the rescue.

“We sent airplanes and patrol ships to the scene after we received a call for help from Kadena Air Base,” an official told AFP.

“We heard the pilot, the only person who was aboard, parachuted down and is safe, hanging on to something” in the sea, he said.

Okinawa is the reluctant host to more than half of the 47,000 American service personnel in Japan, and the crimes, noise and risk of accidents associated with their bases regularly provoke irritation locally. ... cts-safely
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Crash d'Avions et d’Hélicoptères Militaires

Message par tchpako »

Un Mirage s'écrase en Haute-Saône, pas de victimes
mercredi 5 juin 2013 21h28
PARIS (Reuters) - Un Mirage s'est écrasé au cours d'une mission d'entraînement près de la ville de Luxeuil (Haute-Saône), sans faire de victimes, a annoncé mercredi en fin de journée le ministère de la Défense.

"Le pilote a pu s'éjecter et a été pris en charge médicalement. Il est indemne", a indiqué le ministère dans un communiqué, précisant que l'avion s'était écrasé dans une zone inhabitée.

L'accident du Mirage 2000-5 a eu lieu à proximité de la commune de Montcourt, près de la base aérienne de Luxeuil.

Une enquête a été diligentée afin de déterminer les circonstances de cet accident, précise le texte.

Marion Douet, édité par Jean-Philippe Lefief ... 6S20130605
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