Armée Israélienne [Tsahal]

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Re: Armée Israélienne [Tsahal]

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Sous-Marins Israéliens

Banni Définitivement
Banni Définitivement
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Re: Armée Israélienne [Tsahal]

Message par Youma »

US, Lockheed reach deal on Israeli F-35 jets

07/27/2012 00:24

Deal reached on $450m. program to enhance electronic warfare equipment on the F-35 fighter jet, integrate Israeli-unique systems.


The Pentagon has reached an agreement with Lockheed Martin Corp on a $450 million program to enhance electronic warfare equipment on the F-35 fighter jet, and integrate Israeli-unique systems beginning in 2016, according to sources familiar with the negotiations.

The deal, to be finalized in coming weeks, marks a big step forward for Israel's $2.75 billion agreement to buy 19 F-35 jets, which was signed in October 2010 and includes options for up to 75 of the radar-evading fighters.

The Pentagon said the Israeli foreign arms sale could be worth up to $15.2 billion if all options are exercised, when it first approved the sale in September 2008.

"This agreement kicks off the Israeli program," said one of the sources, who was not authorized to speak on the record. "Now all of the agreements are in place."

The F-35 will allow for even greater collaboration in the coming years with Israel, a critical strategic ally for the United States at a time when much of the Middle East is in turmoil.

The deal comes as US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta prepares to visit Israel next week where he will discuss heightened tensions with Iran, which on Thursday underscored its support for Syria despite its brutal crackdown on a 16-month uprising.

It also provides a vote of confidence in the embattled F-35 program, whose cost and technology challenges have overshadowed a year of progress in flight testing.

The deal will allow increased participation in the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program by Israeli companies, including Elbit Systems Ltd and state-owned Israel Aerospace Industries, which will start building wings for the radar-evading warplane.

IAI already builds wings for the F-16 fighter jet, the world's most widely used fighter, also built by Lockheed. Elbit, in a joint venture with Rockwell Collins, makes the advanced helmet used by pilots on the single-seat F-35.

Agreement on development of the new Israeli version of the F-35 will allow Israel to install its own radio and datalink systems, as well as other equipment, on the jets it is buying.

But the deal also covers enhancements to the airplane's electronic warfare capabilities that will benefit the United States, Israel and the other nine countries that either have already ordered fighter planes, or plan to in coming years.

The radar-evading, multirole F-35 is the Pentagon's costliest arms purchase, expected to top $396 billion for 2,443 aircraft in three models through the mid-2030s.

Lockheed and its subcontractors are building the stealthy warplane for the U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps along with Britain and seven other co-development partners -- Italy, Turkey, Canada, Australia, Denmark, Norway and the Netherlands.

In addition to Israel, Japan also has a signed agreement to buy the F-35, which was designed to replace a range of fighter, strike and ground-attack aircraft, including the F-16.

The Defense Department this year postponed production of 179 F-35s until after 2017, stretching development and testing in an effort to curb costly retrofits and save money. The latest restructuring, the third such major revamp, added 33 months and $7.9 billion to the development plan.

Lockheed Martin, the Pentagon's No. 1 supplier by sales, is developing the F-35 with Northrop Grumman Corp and Britain's BAE Systems PLC. Britain initially invested $2 billion in the F-35's development, the most of any of the eight partner nations.

Work on the electronic warfare enhancements will be done largely by BAE Systems, the sources said.
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Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Armée Israélienne [Tsahal]

Message par dil@w »

Israeli F-16I damaged during aerial refuelling exercise

Israeli new media reported an F-16I 'Sufa' sustained damage during an aerial refuelling exercise which resulted in the boom on the Boeing 707 'Reem' tanker to disintegrate.

Both aircraft having sustained damaged performed emergency landings with no injuries reported.

Damage on the F-16I seems to be in the area in front of the HUD display in the cockpit, while the tankers boom seems to have disintegrated on striking the canopy.

The Refuelling exercise was being carried out over the Ovda base in Southern Israel. The IAF have launched an inquiry.
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Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Armée Israélienne [Tsahal]

Message par dil@w »

Israeli Navy missile boats complete large-scale drill

Over the past few weeks, combat soldiers practiced different scenarios including conflict with an enemy fleet, threats by local terror organizations and more.

The Israeli Navy missile boat flotilla completed a large scale training exercise today, (Wednesday, August 1). During the drill, which took place over the past few weeks, different scenarios were practiced including a conflict with an enemy fleet, threats by local terror organizations and more. Additionally, during the exercise an anti-ship missile was successfully fired.
Combat soldiers of the missile boats flotilla practiced a number of different scenarios and strengthened cooperation with IAF aircraft. This training exercise makes up an important stage in the readiness of the Israeli Navy for different scenarios as all fronts.

Israeli Navy Commander, Admiral Ram Rothberg, summed up the drill and said, "The missile boats flotilla practiced complex scenarios during this exercise and enhanced its capabilities in the face of threats. Flotilla combat soldiers displayed impressive capabilities and proved its readiness to any mission."

Admiral Rothberg added that "the Israeli Navy will continue strengthening cooperation with the different units and will continue operating to defend Israel's waters and the safety of Israeli civilians." ... iew&id=546
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Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Armée Israélienne [Tsahal]

Message par dil@w »

israel appuie son armée par l'achat de 2000 Hummers de l'US Army

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) recently purchased over 2,000 Hummer vehicles from the U.S. Army, in a deal that will significantly expand the Ground Forces' fleet of combat vehicles. The sale of the surplus vehicles reflects the strong relationship between the IDF and the U.S. Army.

During the project, which will take place in stages over the next three years, the IDF will extensively outfit the Hummers of models A0 and A1, repairing them and preparing them for use before transporting them to Israel. Following their arrival in Israel, the vehicles will be further outfitted, according to the specific operational needs of the units that will receive them.

"The new Hummers will be used for combat reconnaissance and as administrative vehicles," explained Maj. Amit Trep, head of the Department of Weapons Mobility. "Most of them will be used [only] in case of emergency, and during routine situations they will remain in warehouses, since the Hummers that we use today for routine activities are more advanced. However, several hundred of them will undergo extensive reinforcement and will be used for routine purposes and for training."

Most of the vehicles will be kept in "dry storage," with advanced sleeves protecting them rigorously. These vehicles will be connected to an electrical supply, so that their batteries will be full and they will be optimally prepared to pull out in case of emergency.

The process of outfitting the vehicles is expected to start in early 2013, and the first of the vehicles will arrive in Israel in under a year. "The vehicles will arrive at a rate of over 100 vehicles per month, so that within less than two years the warehouses will be full, due to the significant addition of the Hummers," said Maj. Trep.

"The new vehicles, which will expand our fleet, will significantly improve our maneuvering ability during an emergency," he added. "This will be a giant leap forward."
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Banni Définitivement
Banni Définitivement
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Re: Armée Israélienne [Tsahal]

Message par Youma »

Israel Completes National SMS Missile Alert Test

JERUSALEM — Israel on Aug. 16 finished nationwide testing of an SMS warning system against missile attack, sending texts to mobile phones in Jerusalem and other parts of the country, a military spokeswoman said.

The five-day exercise, which began on Aug. 12, took place to the backdrop of mounting speculation over a possible Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities and a resulting Iranian counter-attack.

The army said that along with Jerusalem, the test on Aug. 16 included the Negev desert town of Arad, the northern cities of Afula and Hadera, and Upper Nazareth, a Jewish satellite of the Israeli Arab city.

A spokeswoman said that Nazareth itself, the largest Arab city in Israel, was not included in the test, with military sources explaining that when the system became fully operational it would cover all communities.

The army says the warning messages were being sent in Hebrew, Arabic, English and Russian.

They are meant to warn of an imminent missile attack by Iran or Lebanon’s Hezbollah militia, which could become a reality if Israel decides to mount a military strike on nuclear facilities in Iran.

Israel believes the Islamic republic is trying to develop a military nuclear capability under the guise of its civilian program which it says would pose an existential threat to the Jewish state.

Opponents of an Israeli attack said on Aug. 16 that around 500 academics and retired military personnel had signed a petition calling on air force pilots to refuse to carry out a unilateral strike.

“I understand the far-reaching implications of this petition,” a statement quoted one of the signatories, Tel Aviv University law professor Menachem Mautner, as saying.

“The possibility of a decision to attack Iran has been keeping me awake for weeks.”

The statement warns that injury to Iranian civilians as a result of radioactive leakage from any of the targeted facilities could expose pilots to future war crimes charges.

“We issue this appeal to you out of a deep sense of concern and anxiety,” the petition tells the Israeli airmen. “Our fate, our very future lies very much in your hands.”

On Aug. 16, President Shimon Peres said Israel could not attack Iran without U.S. help, in a television interview for his 89th birthday.

“It is clear that we can not do it alone,” he said. “We can repel (an attack) but it’s clear to us that we must act in concert with America, even if there are some issues of coordination and delays.”

And later in the evening around 100 protesters marched in Tel Aviv denouncing any strike on Iran, an AFP photographer said.

“Enough of occupation (of Palestinian territories). No to an attack on Iran,” chanted the protesters, including members of the opposition Meretz and Hadash parties.

Many protesters held up pictures of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Ehud Barak with the caption “arsonists”.

A poll, meanwhile, indicated that 61 percent of Jewish Israelis opposed a raid on Iran without U.S. support.

The survey, published by the independent Israel Democracy Institute (IDI) think-tank, also said 57 percent of respondents believed talk of a pre-emptive strike is simply a tactic designed to pressure the Americans to take more resolute action against Iran.

“Most Jewish Israelis (56 percent) remain unconvinced that Israel will attack Iran without U.S. cooperation in the near future,” it added.

The IDI said the survey of 516 respondents was conducted by the Dahaf polling institute on Aug. 7-8 and has a margin of error of 4.5 percentage points.

In recent weeks, the Israeli press has been flooded with reports citing anonymous top officials suggesting military action against Tehran’s nuclear facilities is imminent.

But U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta on Aug. 14 said Israel had not yet reached a decision on whether to mount an attack.

U.S. President Barack Obama has said Washington will stop Iran from “acquiring nuclear weapons” — a step further down the line from Israel’s red line, which says Tehran must not be allowed to acquire atomic weapons capability.

There is concern in Washington that a unilateral Israeli strike may not destroy Iran’s underground nuclear facilities, could spark Iranian retaliation worldwide and may drag the United States into another war in the Middle East.
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Armée Israélienne [Tsahal]

Message par dil@w »

la flotte israelienne de CH-53 est interdite de vol depuis un atterrissage d'urgence de l'un d'eux
The Israeli air force (IAF) has grounded its fleet of Sikorsky CH-53 Yasur helicopters after one made an emergency landing on 16 August.

The CH-53, with a crew of three, landed safely in a field shortly after taking off from Tel Nof air force base. Initial indications point to "a problem in the rotor blades", the IAF says, but an investigation is under way.

Israel's CH-53 fleet was recently upgraded under the Yasur 2025 programme, with the installation of 20 new systems, including advanced electronic warfare systems and a satellite communications capability. The upgrade also included the addition of a unique altitude hold and hovering stabilisation system and a laser obstacle ranging and display system.

Sikorsky has also supplied the IAF with new main gear boxes to replace the current transmission system and the aircraft's hardware has to be monitored closely for cracks because of its age.

The IAF plans to operate its CH-53 fleet until it can acquire the new Sikorsky CH-53K, which is being developed for the US Marine Corps. The IAF says only the CH-53K will meet Israel's requirements. ... ightglobal
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Fariq (فريق)
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Re: Armée Israélienne [Tsahal]

Message par anzar »

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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Armée Israélienne [Tsahal]

Message par tchpako »

Quand l’Algérie fait peur à Israël !

le 23.08.12 | 10h00 26 réactions

Une sortie médiatique pour le moins inquiétante d’un expert israélien, du nom de Amos Heril, fait état d’une probable attaque algérienne contre Israël en raison de la position de l’Algérie vis-à-vis de la crise syrienne.

Cet expert, dont l’analyse est reprise par le journal jordanien Alliwae, accuse l’Algérie d’être «la plus grande menace dans le Monde arabe contre Israël». L’expert israélien, se basant sur des rapports du Mossad, avance qu’Israël et l’Algérie risquent une confrontation directe et va jusqu’à dire que Bouteflika est plus dangereux pour Israël que Boumediène.

Le même expert, cité par le journal jordanien, estime que son pays devra prendre les plus grandes précautions quant à l’ambition de cet homme de faire revenir l’Algérie avec force sur la scène régionale et internationale. Il en veut pour preuve les efforts discrets de développement de l’armée algérienne qui suscitent beaucoup d’inquiétudes. Cette sortie pour le moins disproportionnée ne peut être qu’une énième manœuvre de la machine propagandiste israélienne, mais à quelles fins ? ... 31_109.php
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Armée Israélienne [Tsahal]

Message par dil@w »

israel pourrait louer jusqu'à 8 Osprey V-22 au lieu d'en acheter vu les restrictions budgétaires
Faced with insufficient resources to fund the purchase of Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey tiltrotors, the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) are instead considering leasing six to eight of the aircraft for the Israeli air force.

Last year the service identified an operational requirement for the V-22, following an evaluation of the type at US Marine Corps facilities in the USA. The IAF had hoped to buy "a number" of tiltrotors for "special operations".

However, the inclusion of funds for the V-22 acquisition in the new multi-year plan for the IDF has been put on ice, thanks to a row between Israel's defence and finance ministries over the defence budget.

A source on 21 August indicated that the IDF still believes there is a requirement for the V-22, and will look at other possible acquisition methods. ... 2s-375709/
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Fariq (فريق)
Fariq (فريق)
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Re: Armée Israélienne [Tsahal]

Message par anzar »

tchpako a écrit :
Quand l’Algérie fait peur à Israël !

le 23.08.12 | 10h00 26 réactions

Une sortie médiatique pour le moins inquiétante d’un expert israélien, du nom de Amos Heril, fait état d’une probable attaque algérienne contre Israël en raison de la position de l’Algérie vis-à-vis de la crise syrienne.

Cet expert, dont l’analyse est reprise par le journal jordanien Alliwae, accuse l’Algérie d’être «la plus grande menace dans le Monde arabe contre Israël». L’expert israélien, se basant sur des rapports du Mossad, avance qu’Israël et l’Algérie risquent une confrontation directe et va jusqu’à dire que Bouteflika est plus dangereux pour Israël que Boumediène.

Le même expert, cité par le journal jordanien, estime que son pays devra prendre les plus grandes précautions quant à l’ambition de cet homme de faire revenir l’Algérie avec force sur la scène régionale et internationale. Il en veut pour preuve les efforts discrets de développement de l’armée algérienne qui suscitent beaucoup d’inquiétudes. Cette sortie pour le moins disproportionnée ne peut être qu’une énième manœuvre de la machine propagandiste israélienne, mais à quelles fins ? ... 31_109.php
Vraiment y en a qui font du journalisme comme on ferait des mots croisés.... ce soit disant article n'a jamais existé et cet expert n'a jamais écrit quoi que ce soit de ce style.... à force de récuperer les conneries qui se disent sur les réseaux sociaux les journaleux d'El Watan, adeptes du copier coller sur l'AFP pour ce qui est de l'internationale, continuent à nous abreuver de leurs inepties.... quand au fond de l'article, une nation qui disposent de 400 têtes nucléaires et d'une force conventionnelle capable de dézinguer toutes les armées du moyen orient réunies sans parler de la maitrise des technologies de pointe n'a vraiment rien à craindre....
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Armée Israélienne [Tsahal]

Message par tchpako »

anzar a écrit : Vraiment y en a qui font du journalisme comme on ferait des mots croisés.... ce soit disant article n'a jamais existé et cet expert n'a jamais écrit quoi que ce soit de ce style.... à force de récuperer les conneries qui se disent sur les réseaux sociaux les journaleux d'El Watan, adeptes du copier coller sur l'AFP pour ce qui est de l'internationale, continuent à nous abreuver de leurs inepties.... quand au fond de l'article, une nation qui disposent de 400 têtes nucléaires et d'une force conventionnelle capable de dézinguer toutes les armées du moyen orient réunies sans parler de la maitrise des technologies de pointe n'a vraiment rien à craindre.... ... m-1.460383
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Fariq (فريق)
Fariq (فريق)
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Re: Armée Israélienne [Tsahal]

Message par akramov »

bel hommage à secret difa3
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Armée Israélienne [Tsahal]

Message par tchpako »

akramov a écrit :bel hommage à secret difa3
très intéressent a lire ... .html#more
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Banni Définitivement
Banni Définitivement
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Re: Armée Israélienne [Tsahal]

Message par Youma »


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