Armée Iranienne

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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Inscription : 31 mars 2012, 11:24
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par dil@w »

scorpion-rouge35 a écrit :oui un déploiement avec une 100 de navire us qui les entour en permanence :mr green:
Tout à fait :lol!: au moins ça ne les changera pas du Golfe persique, ils se sentiront comme à la maison.
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par dil@w »

L'Iran annonce avoir développé un drone capable d’être armé de missiles

Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari announced that his forces have built a new type of military drone with missile capability.

Speaking at a press conference here in Tehran on Sunday, Jafari pointed to Iran’s latest achievements in area of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) production, and stated, “Shahed 129 drone presents the IRGC’s latest advancement in this field. With its 24-hour-long non-stop flight capability, the drone can accomplish good missions in reconnaissance and combat fields.”

The commander added that Shahed 129 can hit and destroy targets from a far distance with its Sadid (Iron-Strong) missiles.
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Inscription : 31 mars 2012, 19:11
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par tchpako »

Iran Says Will Hit Hormuz, U.S. Bases, Israel If Attacked
Sep. 16, 2012 - 02:10PM |

Iranian Revolutionary Guards commander Brig. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari holds a press conference in Tehran on Sept. 16. (Atta Kenare / AFP)

TEHRAN — The head of Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guards on Sept. 16 warned of retaliation against the Gulf’s strategic Strait of Hormuz, U.S. bases in the Middle East and Israel if his country was to be attacked.

Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari, speaking in a very rare news conference in Tehran, also said that he believed Iran would abandon the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty should it be targeted for military action.

The warnings underlined the high tensions surrounding Iran and its disputed nuclear program, which Israel has threatened it could seek to disrupt with air strikes, with or without U.S. help.

Jafari said the Strait of Hormuz, the narrow channel at the entrance of the Gulf through which a third of the world’s traded oil passes, would be a legitimate target for Iran should it be attacked.

“This is a declared policy by Iran that if war occurs in the region and the Islamic republic is involved, it is natural that the Strait of Hormuz as well as the energy (market) will face difficulties,” he said.

Jafari suggested that U.S. military bases — such as those in Bahrain, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia — would also be fair game for retaliation by Iranian missiles or proxy forces.

“The U.S. has many vulnerabilities around Iran, and its bases are within the range of the Guards’ missiles. We have other capabilities as well, particularly when it comes to the support of Muslims for the Islamic republic,” he said.

He added that Tehran believed Israel was unsuccessfully trying to push the United States to take part in military action against Iran’s nuclear facilities.

“I do not think the attack would be carried out without U.S. permission,” he said.

However if Israeli jets or missiles did strike Iran, “nothing of Israel will be left, considering its size,” he warned. “I do not think any part of Israel will be untouched given our missile capabilities. Thus, our response (warning of annihilatory retaliation) is in itself a deterrent.”

Jafari said that his personal opinion was that, in case of attack, Iran would leave the NPT which is meant to prevent states developing nuclear weapons while permitting atomic energy generation.

“In case of an attack, Iran’s obligations will change. My assessment is that Iran may leave the NPT — but it would not mean a dash towards a nuclear bomb because we have a religious edict from the supreme leader” against atomic weapons, he said. ... |FRONTPAGE
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par dil@w »

Le sous-marin Tareq 901 reprend du service

le sous-marin de la classe Younous, a subit un overhaul par des experts et techniciens iraniens à Bandar Abbas.
The Iranian Navy officially launched a heavy submarine after the subsurface vessel was overhauled by the country's experts.

Tareq 901 submarine was launched in Iran’s Southern port city of Bandar Abbas on Tuesday at the order of Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution and Commander-in-Chief Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei.

In May, Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari lauded Iranian experts’ success in repairing heavy submarines, saying their outstanding capabilities and mastery of the hi-tech used in naval vessels display the failure of sanctions and pressures against Iran.

He said the submarine, called Tareq, is now fully ready to be dispatched to the high seas.

He pointed to the Supreme Leader’s recent remarks that “enemies are trying to display Iranians as an incapable nation”, and said: “Today we show that the “We Can” and that our ability is way beyond the enemy’s imaginations”.

Last year, the Iranian Navy’s Tareq-class submarine, “Younus”, managed to set a new record in sailing the international waters and high seas for 68 days.

Iran’s Younus submarine, sailing alongside warships of the 14th fleet of the Iranian Navy, returned home early June 2011 following an over 2-months long mission in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

The deployment of the Iranian submarine in the Red Sea was the first such operation by the country’s Navy in far-off waters.
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mig 29/32
Colonel (Djibouti)
Colonel (Djibouti)
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Inscription : 02 avril 2012, 14:59

Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par mig 29/32 »

ne serait ce pas un kilo par hasard ( je n'ai pas l'impression que l'article le cite en tant que tel ) ?
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Inscription : 31 mars 2012, 11:24
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par dil@w »

mig 29/32 a écrit :ne serait ce pas un kilo par hasard ( je n'ai pas l'impression que l'article le cite en tant que tel ) ?
absolument cher mig 29/32 c'est un Kilo 877EKM que les iraniens appellent Younous. Je pense que c'est dû au fait qu'ils le modifient et l'entretiennent seuls comme des grands (enfin ils essaient avec plus ou moins de perfection)
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mig 29/32
Colonel (Djibouti)
Colonel (Djibouti)
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Inscription : 02 avril 2012, 14:59

Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par mig 29/32 »

oui ce n'est pas si mal de pouvoir l'entretenir de manière autonome cependant pour garantir une efficacité optimale mieux vaudrait appeler des experts russes pour s'en occuper ou superviser les réparations !!!!
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Lt-Colonel (AdA-France)
Lt-Colonel (AdA-France)
Messages : 609
Inscription : 31 mars 2012, 16:51

Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par pierrot1771 »

L'Iran se prépare... :mili1:
Venezuelan F-16A in Iran.
Reports in the Israeli media suggest that Iran has received at least 1 F-16A from Venezuela. Israel allege that the aircraft is being used for 'help calibrate air defences' in preparation for a possible future strike from Israel or/& USA.
Citing an article in the Spanish press, the Israeli report indicates that at least 1 former Venezuelan F-16A was handed over to Teheran in disassembled form in 2006. The Falcon was allegedly crated & transported to Iran in a Venezuelan Air Force Boeing 707 that departed El Libertador AB, routing via Brazil & Algeria.
Venezuelan pilots & technicians apparently provided Iranians with instruction on the type.
CAM Septembre 2012.

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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Inscription : 31 mars 2012, 11:24
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par dil@w »

L'Iran exhibe durant une parade des S-200 (SA-5) amélioré localement

The Iranian Armed Forces displayed an optimized version of the Russian-made S-200 long-range air defense system during the military parades in Tehran today.
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Fariq (فريق)
Fariq (فريق)
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Inscription : 20 mars 2012, 13:03
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par scorpion-rouge35 »

faut dire que les F-16A ne datent pas d'hier et sans awacs ils ne représentent pas de menace , c'est plus du symbolique pour l'iran afin de nargué les américains

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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Inscription : 31 mars 2012, 11:24
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par dil@w »

La marine iranienne a des plans pour déployer des navires dans les eaux internationales jusqu'au pôle Sud

c'est ce qu'a affirmé le vice-amiral Habibollah Sayyari.
Iran’s Navy is planning to extend its presence in international waters near the South Pole, Navy chief Rear Adm. Habibollah Sayyari said on Saturday.

“We have the capability to hoist Iran’s flags in different regions from the North Pole to the South Pole and we are preparing plans for presence near the South Pole,” Sayyari was quoted by Press TV as saying.
Iran has the right to be present in international waters, he said, adding that it “will never enter the maritime borders of other states and will not allow anybody to enter even a centimeter into our territorial waters.”

The Islamic republic’s Navy has also announced plans to expand its international presence into the Atlantic Ocean.
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Djoundi (جندي)
Djoundi (جندي)
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Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 14:20

Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par Amir »


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Fariq (فريق)
Fariq (فريق)
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par FULCRUM »

pierrot1771 a écrit :L'Iran se prépare... :mili1:
Venezuelan F-16A in Iran.
Reports in the Israeli media suggest that Iran has received at least 1 F-16A from Venezuela. Israel allege that the aircraft is being used for 'help calibrate air defences' in preparation for a possible future strike from Israel or/& USA.
Citing an article in the Spanish press, the Israeli report indicates that at least 1 former Venezuelan F-16A was handed over to Teheran in disassembled form in 2006. The Falcon was allegedly crated & transported to Iran in a Venezuelan Air Force Boeing 707 that departed El Libertador AB, routing via Brazil & Algeria.
Venezuelan pilots & technicians apparently provided Iranians with instruction on the type.
CAM Septembre 2012.
Au moins ils sauront quoi faire en cas de Dogfight

Banni Définitivement
Banni Définitivement
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Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 19:24
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par Youma »

Iran Says It Tested New Anti-Air Missile Defense

Sep. 24, 2012 - 02:08PM

TEHRAN — Iran’s Revolutionary Guards said Sept. 24 that it test fired medium-range surface-to-air missiles designed to knock attacking aircraft out of the sky at a range of 50 kilometers (30 miles).

The test of the new defense system, called Ra’ad (Thunder), was successful, according to a statement published on the Guards’ official Sepah news website.

The Taer-2 missiles used in the Ra’ad system are domestically made and “more advanced” than the Russian-made Buk family of anti-air missiles, the Fars news agency reported.

Examples of the missile were displayed at a military parade in Tehran on Sept. 21, it said.

Iran has been talking up its military might in recent weeks, to counter bellicose rhetoric from its arch-foe Israel, which is threatening possible airstrikes on the Islamic republic’s nuclear facilities.
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Inscription : 31 mars 2012, 11:24
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par dil@w »

L'Iran présente deux véhicules construits entièrement localement



bon rien d'exceptionnel même si le fait que d’après leurs dire le moteur, la transmission et boite de vitesse sont fabriqués localement.une vidéo est disponible en suivant le lien ci-dessous.
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