Armée Britannique

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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Armée Britannique

Message par dil@w »

"It's better to stand and fight. If you run away, you'll only die tired"
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Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Armée Britannique

Message par dil@w »

Deux Tornados manquent à l'appel

deux Torandos partis du Nord-Ecosse en entrainement de bombardement se sont abîmés en mer, deux des 4 membres d’équipage sont toujours portés disparus (à 18:00 heure de publication de l'article) ... WEET168116 ... h-scotland
"It's better to stand and fight. If you run away, you'll only die tired"
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AAF 2020
Amid (عميد)
Amid (عميد)
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Re: Armée Britannique

Message par AAF 2020 »

«Agusta / Westland" commence la fourniture d'hélicoptères AW-159, "Wildcat", à l'armée du Royaume-Uni
TSAMTO, 5 Juillet. Agusta / Westland La société "donnera l'hélicoptère première production, AW-159," Wildcat ", le ministère britannique de la Défense lors d'une cérémonie prévue pour Juillet 11 cette année.
Le contrat d'une valeur de 950 millions de livres. strln. (Environ 1,9 milliards de dollars.) Sur le développement et la livraison de 70 hélicoptères, "Future Lynx" ("Wildcat"), le ministère de la Défense britannique a conclu avec «Agusta / Westland" en Juin 2006. Hélicoptères "Wildcat" remplacez l'"Lynx", qui est entré en service dans le Soleil du Royaume-Uni 1970.

A l'origine il était prévu que la société va fournir 40 hélicoptères d'attaque et de reconnaissance de l'Armée de Corps d'aviation NE BRH de Grande-Bretagne et 30 voitures sous la forme de soutien au combat (SCMR) pour les forces navales du pays. ... tail.shtml

Banni Définitivement
Banni Définitivement
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Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 19:24
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Re: Armée Britannique

Message par Youma »

Holy crisis !
Army Loses 17 Major Units In Defence Cuts

Five infantry battalions are to go in the biggest overhaul of the Army in decades, which will see it slashed by a fifth.

Five infantry battalions are to be withdrawn and 17 major units in total axed from the Army in its biggest overhaul for decades.

Troop levels are to be slashed by a fifth from 102,000 to 82,000, while the Territorial Army will be expanded to give a combined force of 120,000.

The 2nd Battalion the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, the 2nd Battalion the Yorkshire Regiment, the 3rd Battalion the Mercian Regiment, and the 2nd Battalion the Royal Welsh will all go in the shake-up.

A fifth, the 5th Battalion the Royal Regiment of Scotland, will be reduced to a public duties company to carry out public duties in Scotland.

Defence Secretary Philip Hammond admitted in the Commons that the reforms would be "unwelcome" but insisted they would create a "balanced, capable and adaptable force" for the future.

"After inheriting a massive overspend from the last government, we have had to make tough decisions to implement our vision of a formidable, adaptable and flexible armed forces," he said.

"After a decade of enduring operations, we need to transform the Army and build a balanced, capable and adaptable force ready to face the future.

"Army 2020 will create a more flexible and agile Army. Unlike the past, it will be set on a firm foundation of men and material, well trained, well equipped and fully funded."

He insisted: "The regimental system will remain the bedrock of the Army's fighting future."

As part of the changes, the Armoured Corps will be reduced by two units as the Queen's Royal Lancers and the 9th/12th Royal Lancers and the 1st and 2nd Tank Regiments amalgamate.

There will also be reductions in the number of units in the Royal Artillery, the Royal Engineers, the Army Air Corps, the Royal Logistic Corps, the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers and the Royal Military Police.

The plan - known as Army 2020 - will see the military split into two, with a reaction force ready to respond to emergencies around the globe and an adaptable force capable of carrying out a range of tasks and commitments.

But the prospect of losing historic units has been the cause of intense anguish within the service.

The Daily Telegraph disclosed this week that one officer, Brigadier David Paterson of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, had written to the head of the Army expressing his bitter disappointment at plans to axe one of its two battalions.

In his letter to General Sir Peter Wall, Chief of the General Staff, Brig Paterson said the proposal "cannot be presented as the best or most sensible military option".

Mr Hammond has acknowledged that the plans, drawn up by Lieutenant General Nick Carter, have involved some "difficult" decisions.

But he said that cuts could not be avoided, with the demands for strict financial discipline under the Government's 2010 Strategic Defence and Security Review.

For the plans to be successful, reductions in regular Army strength will need to be offset by increases in part-time reservists, with the Territorial Army doubling in numbers from 15,000 to 30,000.

As well as providing specialist capabilities - such as medics and intelligence - reservists would be used to reinforce infantry battalions on deployment.

They will be expected to shoulder a third of the burden of long-term operations.

The Army will also be required to make greater use of civilian contractors in areas such as logistics support in order to concentrate military capability on the frontline.

The Chief of the General Staff, General Sir Peter Wall, said the plans would mean the Army becoming "better integrated and fully adaptable".

"It will capitalise on the powerful merits of a modern regimental system to deliver formidable effect when and where it is needed, and will create the best structure for the Army to face the challenges of the future," he said.

"The changes in Army 2020 will demand resilience, flexibility and genuine adaptability from our talented and committed officers and soldiers.

"It is inevitable that some units will be lost or will merge but we have done this in a way that I believe is fair across the whole Army."

However, shadow defence secretary Jim Murphy told Sky News: "You can't make cuts in the British army of this depth and at this speed without it having an impact on our ability to project power, our influence in the world and the ability of the British army to be deployed on a sustainable basis at points in the future.

"This isn't without cost and without consequence. There will be an enormous blow to morale in the British army but there are also going to be consequences about what the army can do." ... fence-cuts
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Armée Britannique

Message par dil@w »

Les britanniques font passer leurs Puma au format Mk2

The upgrade of UK Ministry of Defence Puma aircraft took a major step forward last week with Eurocopter completing its first internal qualification of the Puma Mk2 aircraft. This upgrade will significantly enhance the aircraft’s performance, mission capability and safety. The first modified aircraft will fly into the UK in the coming weeks to conclude test and evaluation activities at QinetiQ’s Boscombe Down facility.
Eurocopter’s first internal qualification of the Puma Mk2 was achieved on July 6, concluding the first phase of the planned developments, with further enhancements to its mission capabilities planned over the coming months. To date, Eurocopter has completed the initial upgrade process on three Puma helicopters, all of which are now involved in flight testing. The first of these will be delivered to QinetiQ’s Boscombe Down military test and evaluation center for further trials.

The Puma Mk2 helicopters represent a key element of the UK’s medium battlefield support helicopter capability, and will be deployed for tactical troop and load movement by day and night. The upgrade will extend the operational lifetime and significantly upgrade the capabilities of 24 of the Royal Air Force Puma helicopters. The new Puma is an ideal medium lift platform for urban operations and its ability to be rapidly deployed by C17 make it the ideal platform for fast moving contingent combat and humanitarian operations.

“This qualification milestone marks another important accomplishment in a program that is vital for the UK’s combat capabilities, and it results equally from Eurocopter’s commitment to its success and our close cooperation with the Ministry of Defence,” said Markus Steinke, the Managing Director of Eurocopter UK. “Once upgraded, Puma Mk2s will be serving the Royal Air Force until 2025, offering exceptional performance and capability that is excellent value for the money.”

Enhancements for the Puma Mk2 include major performance and safety improvements with the use of new Makila 1A1 turboshaft engines; the integration of a full glass cockpit incorporating modern avionics and a flight management system; the implementation of a digital automatic flight control system; as well as the incorporation of a secure communications suite, new defensive aids and ballistic protection for crew and passengers. Additionally, the helicopter’s greater onboard fuel capacity and lower fuel consumption will increase the Puma Mk2’s operating range. The Puma will be able to carry twice the payload over three times the range than its predecessor even in the most demanding of environmental conditions. ... opter.html
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Armée Britannique

Message par dil@w »


Taranis, the UK’s unmanned combat air system technology demonstrator, has successfully completed a series of key tests on the way to commencing flight trials in 2013.

The low observable (LO) platform recently completed radar cross section tests at BAE Systems’ Warton site and the initial analysis has indicated that the programme has met and potentially exceeded the extremely challenging targets jointly aspired to by the UK’s Ministry of Defence (MOD) and Industry. In addition, the testing of the propulsion system has been completed. Undertaken at Rolls-Royce, the testing included measurement of Taranis’s infra-red signature and the results have demonstrated BAE Systems and Rolls-Royce’s credentials in designing and manufacturing an LO propulsion system.

As a result of these positive initial test results, the MOD requested an extension to the testing. The output of these additional tests is currently being analysed and due to this extension, the flight trials are planned to take place in 2013.

Tom Fillingham, Future Combat Air Systems Director said: “When considered together, the results of these two key test programmes demonstrate the UK’s ability to design low observable solutions for our future unmanned combat systems.

“The progress being made on the programme, and the learning we are taking from it, is very positive and the drive now to getting Taranis in the air clearly shows the confidence Industry and the UK’s MOD has in the UK’s ability to develop world-leading unmanned combat aircraft technologies and capabilities. ... mwsdhexd_4
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Armée Britannique

Message par dil@w »

les sous-marins nucléaires britanniques ont connus plus de 200 incendies en 25 ans :affraid:

The incidents included 74 on ballistic missile submarines.
Three of the fires happened while the vessels were in naval bases, one of them on a ballistic missile submarine.
Peter Luff, Minister for Defence Equipment, Support and Technology, gave the figures in response to a parliamentary question by SNP defence spokesman Angus Robertson.
Mr Robertson said the "apparent vulnerability" to fire events on these vessels raises "grave questions" for UK ministers.
He said: "Any one of these fires could have had catastrophic consequences and the frequency of these incidents raises the most serious safety concerns.
"We are not talking about a one-off incident, but a whole diary of near disasters.
"That so many of these incidents occurred on submarines that may have been nuclear armed is deeply troubling. Reports of a fire on a ballistic missiles submarine, while in port, must be addressed by the MoD - we need to know where this was?
"Beyond the obvious risk to the crew, citizens on shore, and the environment, a significant fire could severely limit the UK's ability to maintain a continuous at-sea deterrent.
It makes a mockery of any UK claims to having a credible 'independent' nuclear deterrent."
He added "Now, more than ever, the time is right to remove nuclear weapons from our waters."
Of the 266 fires, 243 were classed as "small-scale" and categorised as a localised fire, such as a minor electrical fault creating smoke.
There were 20 medium-scale fires that were generally categorised as a localised fire, such as a failure of mechanical equipment creating smoke and flame, requiring the use of "significant onboard resources".
Mr Luff said that information on whether ballistic missile submarines were armed with nuclear weapons when the fires occurred was not available.
There are nuclear submarines based at Faslane on the Clyde but the location of the incidents was not specified.
An MoD spokesman said: "No fire on board any Royal Navy submarine has ever had an impact on nuclear safety or the ability to operate a continuous at-sea deterrent.
"Due to the nature of submarine operations, meticulous records are kept of all incidents involving fire, however small. Most of those recorded were minor electrical faults that were dealt with quickly, safely and effectively.
"The Royal Navy operates a stringent safety regime on board all its submarines and all personnel receive regular and extensive fire safety training." ... years.html
"It's better to stand and fight. If you run away, you'll only die tired"
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AAF 2020
Amid (عميد)
Amid (عميد)
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Re: Armée Britannique

Message par AAF 2020 »

Au moins 7 frégates britanniques du type 23 dotées du sonar remorqué 2087
La Royal Navy continue de moderniser ses frégates dédiées à la lutte anti-sous-marine. A cet effet, 7 des 13 bâtiments du type 23 (classe Duke) ont été dotées du nouveau sonar 2087 de Thales. Ce sonar actif/passif à immersion variable est considéré comme l'un des meilleurs (si ce n'est le meilleur) équipement du genre actuellement en service. Remorqué à l'arrière du bâtiment et pouvant être immergé à plusieurs centaines de mètres, il réunit une antenne active à basse fréquence et une antenne passive linéaire composée de triplets d'hydrophones permettant de lever instantanément l'ambigüité sur la position de la cible (bâbord ou tribord).

AAF 2020
Amid (عميد)
Amid (عميد)
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Re: Armée Britannique

Message par AAF 2020 »

JO : 3.500 soldats supplémentaires pour garantir la sécurité des joutes de Londres
LONDRES - Le ministre britannique de la Défense Philip Hammond a révélé jeudi que 3.500 soldats supplémentaires ont été mobilisés pour boucler le positif de sécurité des Jeux olympiques de Londres (27 juillet - 12 août), après la retrait d’une société de gardiennage privée.

Le responsable anglais a expliqué que la décision de porter à 17.000 le nombre de militaires impliqués dans le dispositif général de 40.000 hommes avait été prise en raison de l’impossibilité d’obtenir "le nombre de gardiens requis pour tous les sites dans le calendrier imparti".

Trente neuf (39) athlètes, dont douze volleyeuses représenteront l’Algérie aux joutes de Londres. Le premier contingent quittera Alger le 20 juillet prochain. ... ires+.html

Banni Définitivement
Banni Définitivement
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Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 19:24
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Re: Armée Britannique

Message par Youma »

A British Army AH1 Apache captivates thousands of spectators with an aerial demonstration July 15, 2012, during the Farnborough International Air Show in Farnborough, England. More than 250,000 trade and public visitors attend the bi-annual event which concluded today.

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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Armée Britannique

Message par dil@w »

After 10-year wait, navy finally gets its hands on new planes

THE first of the Royal Navy’s new stealth fighter jets has been handed over to the MoD.

Defence secretary Philip Hammond formally accepted the US-built F-35B Lightning II plane at a ceremony in Fort Worth, Texas, today.

It marks a major milestone in the £8bn project to build and arm two new 65,000-tonne navy aircraft carriers that will be based in Portsmouth from 2016 onwards.

But the handover comes amid jitters that development of the British jump jet variant of the F-35 – which has been beset with technical problems – may be axed or postponed in forthcoming US defence cuts.

Mr Hammond today reconfirmed the UK’s £2bn commitment to Lockheed Martin’s huge F-35 project, which aims to build more than 3,100 stealth jets for the US and nine partner nations.

This is despite US costs rising by 42 per cent to $400bn since 2007, and a recent report by Washington’s spending watchdog which warned full-rate production could be delayed six years, until 2019.

In Texas, Mr Hammond welcomed the delivery of the first of the three Lightning IIs to be ordered by the UK so far and announced a fourth jet.

Eventually, the UK is expected to order at least 48 of the jets, but this will not be confirmed until the next defence review in 2015.

Mr Hammond said: ‘This hugely capable combat aircraft is now officially British and in the hands of our expert pilots.

‘Highly-skilled British aerospace workers are also playing a vital role in the delivery of the plane with UK companies involved in 15 per cent of the production and 25,000 British jobs sustained as a result.’

The navy lost its jets when HMS Ark Royal and Harrier planes were axed in 2010.

The arrival of the first F-35B comes after the UK made a U-turn to stick with the jump jet variant first ordered by Labour in 2002.

This was after the estimated cost of changing the deck design to have longer-ranged F-35C jets rose to £2bn.

Mr Hammond said: ‘Having taken decisions on the final designs of our new aircraft carriers and balanced the MoD’s budget we can now proceed confidently to regenerating our carrier strike capability with these cutting-edge stealth combat aircraft.’ ... s4.twitter

voila la bête :!:
"It's better to stand and fight. If you run away, you'll only die tired"
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Inscription : 26 mars 2012, 19:45

Re: Armée Britannique

Message par geronimo »

UK Takes Delivery of First F-35B Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter
The first of the UK’s next generation stealth combat aircraft has today been handed over to the Ministry of Defence (MoD) at a ceremony in Fort Worth, Texas. British Defence Secretary
formally accepted the first jet which will be known as Lightning II. The aircraft are Short Take Off and Vertical Landing (STOVL) F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, manufactured by Lockheed Martin.
“The delivery of the United Kingdom’s first Lightning II marks the beginning of a new era in our ability to project Air Power from the land or sea.” said Air Chief Marshal Sir Stephen Dalton,The Chief of the Air Staff. The UK is the first country outside the US to receive these aircraft and Mr Hammond today announced that the MoD intends to order a fourth Lightning II aircraft next year to add to the three already on contract. The total number of Lightning II to be procured by the MoD will be confirmed in the 2015 Strategic Defence & Security Review. The Royal Air Force (RAF) and Royal Navy will conduct flight trials of the jets, which will operate from land bases and from sea. ... ahoo!+Mail
:algerie01: :algerie01: :algerie01:

Banni Définitivement
Banni Définitivement
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Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 19:24
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Re: Armée Britannique

Message par Youma »

FORT WORTH, TX - JULY 19: British Air Marshall Sir Kevin Leeson (L) talks with British Secretary of State for Defense Philip Hammond (R) during the United KingdomF-35 Lightning II Delivery Ceremony on July 19, 2012 at Lockheed Martin Corporation in Fort Worth, Texas. The ceremony marked the first international delivery of an F-35 Joint Strike Fighter to a partner nation.
FORT WORTH, TX - JULY 19: A general view during the United KingdomF-35 Lightning II Delivery Ceremony on July 19, 2012 at Lockheed Martin Corporation in Fort Worth, Texas. The ceremony marked the first international delivery of an F-35 Joint Strike Fighter to a partner nation.
FORT WORTH, TX - JULY 19: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Lockheed Martin Corporation Robert J. Stevens addresses guests during the United KingdomF-35 Lightning II Delivery Ceremony on July 19, 2012 at Lockheed Martin in Fort Worth, Texas. The ceremony marked the first international delivery of an F-35 Joint Strike Fighter to a partner nation.


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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Inscription : 31 mars 2012, 11:24
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Re: Armée Britannique

Message par dil@w »

Les Eurofighter de la RAF opérationnels pour les JO !

Bien qu’il n’y ait pas de menace précise pour les prochains Jeux Olympiques de Londres, la Royal Air Forces s’est préparée pour l’évènement au sol mais également dans les airs ! La RAF va disposer des ses Eurofighter Typhoon pour assurer la couverture aérienne durant toute la durée des jeux.

Préparation minutieuse :

La sureté aérienne d’un tel évènement requiert une importante planification dont les éléments doivent être travaillés en préambules. Pour ce faire, le commandement de la RAF a planifié différents exercices a fin de tester son dispositif aérien. Ce printemps, un exercice majeur a eu lieu afin de vérifier l’ensemble des compétences du dispositif en vue des prochains Jeux Olympiques de Londres.

Un groupe de chasse doté d’Eurofighter Typhoon a été déployé sur les installations de la base de Northolt pour effectuer ces tests grandeur nature. Il s’agissait d’une première sur ces installations depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Cet exercice baptisé Olympique Guardian dura neufs jours du 2 au 10 mai de cette année.

L'exercice a permit de tester les procédures des équipages et seront utilisés en vue d’un fonctionnement dans l’espace aérien restreint des JO.. Les pilotes qui entreront dans l'espace aérien réglementé peuvent s'attendre à être intercepté par des avions de combat Typhoon ou des hélicoptères militaires.

Le plan de la sécurité aérienne pour les Jeux Olympiques se fonde sur la défense en place de la Royal Air Force au sein du Royaume-Uni avec le système d’alerte Quick Reaction Alert (QRA).(aux normes OTAN).
Les moyens de la RAF pour les JO :

La RAF dispose d’importants moyens pour assurer la sécurité des jeux avec des hélicoptères PUMA et LYNX en collaborations avec les Eurofighter Typhoon. Le dispositif comprend également des appareils de détection avancée de type E-Sentry. Au sol, la RAF disposera notamment de batteries de DCA missiles Rapier (bien connues en Suisse !)

Les Eurofighter Typhoon seront engagé 24H sur 24H 7 jours par semaine. Et ceci durant toute la durée des Jeux. Les Eurofighter Typhoon assureront une rotation grâce à l’engagement de six escadrons depuis les installations de Northolt dans le Middlesex.
Image ... es-jo.html
"It's better to stand and fight. If you run away, you'll only die tired"
Peace Through Superior Firepower
The whole world must learn of our peaceful ways, by FORCE !

Banni Définitivement
Banni Définitivement
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Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 19:24
Localisation : Forcesdz

Re: Armée Britannique

Message par Youma »

British Royal Marine Martyn Williams, 23, with a lantern with the Olympic flame strapped to his body, abseils from a Sea King helicopter, by the riverside at the Tower of London, Friday, July 20, 2012. Williams was wounded in a road mine attack during a deployment in Afghanistan in 2008 and since fully recovered. The Olympic Torch arrived in London after it was carried around England in a relay of torchbearers to make its way to the London 2012 Olympic Games opening ceremony on July 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis)



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