Armée Pakistanaise

Inde, Russie, Chine, Japon, Corée du Sud, Corée du Nord, Malaisie, Vietnam, Philippine, Indonésie ...

Naqib (نقيب)
Naqib (نقيب)
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Re: Armée Pakistanaise

Message par Meko2000 »


Merci Henri.K pour Cette Super Vidéo :avo: :algerie01:
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
Messages : 7618
Inscription : 26 mars 2012, 19:45

Re: Armée Pakistanaise

Message par geronimo »

Pakistan Navy to Purchase Eight New Submarines From China
The Pakistani government has approved the purchase of eight new submarines from China, with the intent of balancing India's expanding navy fleet.

Pakistani Navy officials said the National Security Committee has given the final go ahead for plans to purchase eight submarines from China. Pakistan has been negotiating the submarine purchase with China since 2011, with initial plans to purchase six, and subsequently raising the number to eight. The plan is viewed as a means to address the country's force imbalance with India.

'The National Security Committee has approved, in principle, the acquisition of eight Chinese submarines,' Additional Secretary of the ministry Rear Admiral Mukhtar Khan said to the National Assembly's Standing Committee on Defense. He added that the Secretary of the Economics Affairs Division Muhammad Saleem Sethi is expected to discuss the issue further when he travels to China on Wednesday. ... 00ubp.19os
Le gouvernement pakistane a donné son avale pour l'achat de 08 sous marin russe,pour contre carrée l'expension de la marine indienne
:algerie01: :algerie01: :algerie01:

Henri K.
Capitaine (AdA-France)
Capitaine (AdA-France)
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Inscription : 08 mai 2013, 21:40
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Re: Armée Chinoise

Message par Henri K. »

Confirmed: Pakistan Will Buy Eight Chinese Subs
Details on the type of vessel as well as the new fleet’s price tag remain unknown.

By Franz-Stefan Gady
April 02, 2015

Yesterday, the Pakistani government confirmed the purchase of eight new submarines from China. “The National Security Committee has approved, in principle, the acquisition of eight Chinese submarines,” Additional Secretary of the Ministry of Defense, Rear Admiral Mukhtar Khan, informed the National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Defence in Islamabad.

Details on the type of vessels or their price tag are murky. IHS Jane’s quotes an unnamed Pakistani Foreign Ministry official who said that, “in the recent past, there have been reports of discussions for the Type 041 submarines.”

According to IHS Jane’s Fighting Ships the Type 041 Yuan-class is,“a diesel electric attack submarine (SSK), potentially with Stirling air independent propulsion, that is armed with YJ-2 (YJ-82) anti-ship missiles and a combination of Yu-4 (SAET-50) passive homing and Yu-3 (SET-65E) active/passive homing torpedoes.” The export version of the vessel allegedly displaces about 2,300 tons, according to public sources.

However, as I noted here, the Wuhan-based China State Shipbuilding Industrial Corp (CSIC) supposedly had already signed a contract in April 2011 to deliver six Type 032 Qing-class conventional attack submarines by 2016/2017. Apparently, this deal must be off the table now.

Still other media sources report that Islamabad will build submarines under license based on the Qing-class vessels displacing 3,000 tons: “Pakistan will also build two types of submarines with Chinese assistance: the Project S-26 and Project S-30. The vessels are to be built at the Submarine Rebuild Complex (SRC) facility being developed at Ormara, west of Karachi.”

The procurement of a new fleet of submarines constitutes Islamabad’s most expensive arms deal by far. Estimated total costs range between $4-5 billion. IHS Jane’s quotes a former Pakistani defense official who said that it is “difficult to imagine a price of less than USD 500 million per submarine, if not more.”

He also said that he suspects China to extend a long-term loan, possibly at a low interest rate. Another Pakistani military expert told the Financial Times that there are still many unknowns: “At this stage, we don’t know the exact financial terms and unless we know the financial terms we can’t be certain about the significance of this order,” he said. “Still, it’s an important contract for Pakistan.”

Ali Sarwar Naqvi, a former senior Pakistani diplomat, said about Beijing’s rationale behind the weapons deal: “China has its own strategic reasons to help Pakistan in this area. As India prepares to head in to the Pacific Ocean, the Chinese are looking to head in to the Indian Ocean.”
A noter que, il n'existe pas de "Type 041", ou disons que ça n'existe que dans le rêve de certains journalistes mal informés, qui ne se contentent que de copier coller ce que disent les autres sites. Je ne parle même pas l'exportation de "Type 032"...

Henri K.
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Henri K.
Capitaine (AdA-France)
Capitaine (AdA-France)
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Inscription : 08 mai 2013, 21:40
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Re: Armée Chinoise

Message par Henri K. »

Les 3 hélicoptères de combat Z-10 au Pakistan sont prêts à effectuer des vols d'essai dans la ville de Rawalpindi.


Henri K.
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Henri K.
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Re: Armée Pakistanaise

Message par Henri K. »

geronimo a écrit :
Pakistan Navy to Purchase Eight New Submarines From China
The Pakistani government has approved the purchase of eight new submarines from China, with the intent of balancing India's expanding navy fleet.

Pakistani Navy officials said the National Security Committee has given the final go ahead for plans to purchase eight submarines from China. Pakistan has been negotiating the submarine purchase with China since 2011, with initial plans to purchase six, and subsequently raising the number to eight. The plan is viewed as a means to address the country's force imbalance with India.

'The National Security Committee has approved, in principle, the acquisition of eight Chinese submarines,' Additional Secretary of the ministry Rear Admiral Mukhtar Khan said to the National Assembly's Standing Committee on Defense. He added that the Secretary of the Economics Affairs Division Muhammad Saleem Sethi is expected to discuss the issue further when he travels to China on Wednesday. ... 00ubp.19os
Le gouvernement pakistane a donné son avale pour l'achat de 08 sous marin russe,pour contre carrée l'expension de la marine indienne
Sous marins chinois, et non russes, tu voulais dire...

Henri K.
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Aqid (عقيد)
Aqid (عقيد)
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Re: Armée Pakistanaise

Message par sadral »

Le Pakistan achète 15 hélicoptères d'attaque AH-1Z Viper

Le AH-1Z de Bell © Kipp Baker /Bell Helicopter

Le département d'état américain vient d’approuver la vente au Pakistan de 15 hélicoptères d'attaque AH-1Z Viper et de 1000 missiles antichar Hellfire pour un montant de 952 millions de dollars. Ces capacités doivent fournir des moyens supplémentaires à Islamabad dans sa lutte anti-terroriste, notamment dans le nord-Waziristan. Le AH-1Z Viper est une évolution de l'hélicoptère d'attaque bi-rotor Super Cobra. L'arrivée de ces nouveaux hélicoptères permettra à l'armée pakistanaise de mener des opérations de jour comme de nuit dans des zones montagneuses et difficiles d'accès. ... h-1z-viper
« Une page est tournée ; l'Algérie est d'abord fille de son histoire, qu'elle ait surmonté l'épreuve coloniale et même défié l'éclipse, atteste, s'il en était besoin, de cette volonté inextinguible de vivre sans laquelle les peuples sont menacés parfois de disparition.
L'ornière qui nous a contraints à croupir dans l'existence végétative des asphyxies mortelles nous imposa de nous replier sur nous-mêmes dans l'attente et la préparation d'un réveil et d'un sursaut qui ne pouvaient se faire, hélas ! que dans la souffrance et dans le sang. La France, elle-même, a connu de ces disgrâces et de ces résurrections. » Le président Houari Boumediene.
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mig 29/32
Colonel (Djibouti)
Colonel (Djibouti)
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Inscription : 02 avril 2012, 14:59

Re: Armée Pakistanaise

Message par mig 29/32 »

sadral a écrit :
Le Pakistan achète 15 hélicoptères d'attaque AH-1Z Viper

Le AH-1Z de Bell © Kipp Baker /Bell Helicopter

Le département d'état américain vient d’approuver la vente au Pakistan de 15 hélicoptères d'attaque AH-1Z Viper et de 1000 missiles antichar Hellfire pour un montant de 952 millions de dollars. Ces capacités doivent fournir des moyens supplémentaires à Islamabad dans sa lutte anti-terroriste, notamment dans le nord-Waziristan. Le AH-1Z Viper est une évolution de l'hélicoptère d'attaque bi-rotor Super Cobra. L'arrivée de ces nouveaux hélicoptères permettra à l'armée pakistanaise de mener des opérations de jour comme de nuit dans des zones montagneuses et difficiles d'accès. ... h-1z-viper
C'est pas pour critiquer , mais des AH-1Z , des Z-10 et même Mi-35 :?: :?: :?: il ne reste que le rooivalk et le tigre et ils auront tout les hélicos du marché :!: :!: :!:
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
Messages : 7618
Inscription : 26 mars 2012, 19:45

Re: Armée Pakistanaise

Message par geronimo »

Pakistan's Armed Drone Successfully Test Fires A Laser-Guided Missile
Drone war is almost synonymous with Pakistan, where for years American drones fought back Taliban and al Qaeda operations across the border from Afghanistan. It’s a tremendously contentious policy, with American planes dropping bombs on insurgents within Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (and, often, killing civilians in the process). What happens to the drone war when American forces leave Afghanistan? Turns out Pakistan may use its own drone to battle insurgents. After years of development, Pakistan is putting the finishing touches on the Burraq, an indigenously made armed drone that successfully test-fired a laser-guided missile earlier today. ... med-drones
:algerie01: :algerie01: :algerie01:

Henri K.
Capitaine (AdA-France)
Capitaine (AdA-France)
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Inscription : 08 mai 2013, 21:40
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Re: Armée Chinoise

Message par Henri K. »

D'après la dernière publication du Ministère pakistanais de la défense, le Pakistan a acheté 3 systèmes SAM chinois LY-80 pour un total de 225 millions de dollar durant l'année budgétaire 2013-2014. ... KS5wZGY%3D


Henri K.
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Amid (عميد)
Amid (عميد)
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Inscription : 17 janvier 2013, 17:26

Re: Armée Pakistanaise

Message par tayeb »

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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
Messages : 7618
Inscription : 26 mars 2012, 19:45

Re: Armée Pakistanaise

Message par geronimo »

Pakistan inducts Chinese SHORAD missile systems
The Pakistani Army has inducted the Chinese HQ-7B short range air defense system. The Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif inspected the unit yesterday, witnessing training activity that included missile firing. The export system is designated FM-90 in Pakistan’s service can engage aerial targets including cruise missiles, drones and air-to-surface guided missiles under adverse electronic counter measure (ECM) environments, Pakistani sources said.

The system was unveiled earlier this year during the national military parade. The HQ-7B is a improved version of the HQ-7 (FM-80), itself, a Chinese copy of the French Crotale surface-to-air missile. The system is produced by by China’s National Precision Machinery Import & Export Corporation (CPMIEC). ... VJlTPAepwE
:algerie01: :algerie01: :algerie01:

Henri K.
Capitaine (AdA-France)
Capitaine (AdA-France)
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Inscription : 08 mai 2013, 21:40
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Re: Armée Pakistanaise

Message par Henri K. »

Pak-China sign agreement for MSA patrol vessels

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan and China signed a landmark agreement on Wednesday for construction of six patrol vessels for Maritime Security Agency (PMSA).

The agreement was signed today during a ceremony at the Ministry of Defence Production (MoDP) in Rawalpindi.

Documents were signed by M/s China Ship Trading Company (M/s CSTC) and the Pakistani government on behalf MoDP.

According to the agreement, four ships will be constructed in China with the remaining two will be built at Karachi's Shipyard and Engineering Works under Transfer of Technology.

The spokesman for MoDP said that acquisition of new ships is a step towards PMSA's capacity building by the government which will boost the agency's operational preparedness for protection of resources in Pakistan's Exclusive Economic Zone and fishery protection.

The spokesman further said that new ships will be used for maritime law enforcement operations against drug trafficking and illegal immigration.

Last year, the Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (Ecnec) approved eight development projects worth Rs157 billion, including two signature projects of the ruling Pakistan Muslim League-N – first phase of Pakistan-China Economic Corridor (PCEC)

The committee had also approved Rs13.87bn for procurement of six maritime patrol vessels for Pakistan Maritime Security Agency.
Henri K.
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mig 29/32
Colonel (Djibouti)
Colonel (Djibouti)
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Inscription : 02 avril 2012, 14:59

Re: Armée Pakistanaise

Message par mig 29/32 »

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Aqid (عقيد)
Aqid (عقيد)
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Re: Armée Pakistanaise

Message par sadral »

nacelles Sniper pour les F-16 !


Les Lockheed-Martin F-16 C/D « Fighting Falcon » pakistanais vont recevoir la nacelle AN/AAQ-33 ATP« Sniper ». Au total 15 de ces systèmes vont être prochainement livré à la Force aérienne pakistanaise .

Au total, le Pakistan dispose d’une flotte de 45 Lockheed-Martin F-16C/D, Le "Sniper ATP fournira une capacité de ciblage de précision pour localiser des cibles à l'aide de l'imagerie haute résolution et permettra également d’améliorer les capacités de reconnaissance aérienne. Le « pod » détecte, identifie automatiquement les cibles, puis le laser permet de désigner les cibles tactiques à longue portée et permet l'emploi des armes par guidage laser et guidage GPS contre des cibles multiples et mobiles.
Si sa fonction principale est d'assurer la désignation de cible pour des bombes à guidage laser, la nacelle « Sniper" peut aussi servir de nacelle de reconnaissance tout temps grâce à son FLIR et un caméra CCD embarquée. ... 59315.html
« Une page est tournée ; l'Algérie est d'abord fille de son histoire, qu'elle ait surmonté l'épreuve coloniale et même défié l'éclipse, atteste, s'il en était besoin, de cette volonté inextinguible de vivre sans laquelle les peuples sont menacés parfois de disparition.
L'ornière qui nous a contraints à croupir dans l'existence végétative des asphyxies mortelles nous imposa de nous replier sur nous-mêmes dans l'attente et la préparation d'un réveil et d'un sursaut qui ne pouvaient se faire, hélas ! que dans la souffrance et dans le sang. La France, elle-même, a connu de ces disgrâces et de ces résurrections. » Le président Houari Boumediene.

Henri K.
Capitaine (AdA-France)
Capitaine (AdA-France)
Messages : 11514
Inscription : 08 mai 2013, 21:40
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Re: Armée Pakistanaise

Message par Henri K. »

C'est toujours la faute aux Chinois. Oui, incontestablement, comme toujours, et même quand c'est faux ce sera toujours vrai.

Donc, l'armée indienne achète des drones civils chinois...

Pakistan Army shoots down Indian 'spy drone'
By Kamran Yousuf / Reuters Published: July 15, 2015


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Army on Wednesday said it had shot down an alleged Indian ‘spy drone’ after it intruded Pakistani territory near Bhimber along the Line of Control.

“The spy drone is used for aerial photography,” said the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) in a brief statement.

The incident comes just days after ice breaking meeting between Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi in Russia.

Read: Nawaz-Modi huddle draws mixed response

In a joint statement issued after the talks, the two countries decided to arrange meetings of senior military officials to lower tensions along the LoC, a de facto border that divides Jammu and Kashmir.

It is not clear whether the latest incident will have any impact on the proposed interaction between the two militaries.

However, the picture of the downed drone provided by ISPR showed that it was of a commercial, variety. Industry experts said the small, unarmed model was openly sold for aerial filming and would contain no secret military technology.

A photo supplied by the Pakistani military appeared to show a Chinese-made DJI Phantom 3, said Huw Williams, the Unmanned Systems Editor at IHS Jane’s International Defence Review.

“Due to its limited operating range – about two km – if the Indian military is using the system it would most likely be for close reconnaissance or security work,” Williams said.

Later, The Hindustan Times reported that a spokesperson for the Indian military said that: “No drone or UAV crash of the Indian Army has taken place.”

Indian high commissioner summoned

The Indian high commissioner in Islamabad was summoned to the Foreign Office on Thursday.

Foreign office spokesperson Qazi Khalilluah confirmed on Wednesday evening that the Indian diplomat had been summoned and that the issue of the ‘Indian spy drone’ and violation of Pakistan airspace would be raised.
Henri K.
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